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5.26.00 – (LAA) – Negotiations Update, AA Ratings, Merger News

May 26, 2000

Hello, this is Thelma Dodson, APFA negotiator with a negotiations Update for Friday, May 26, 2000.

In negotiations this week, talks continued in White Plains, New York.

During the last few weeks, the two sides have come to an agreement on several non-economic issues and have signed off on the following articles:

Article 5 – Uniforms Article 12 – Vacancies Article 13 – Seniority General Article 14 – Seniority List Article 15 – Probation Article 17 – Transfer to Non-Flying Duties Article 20 – Medical Appeals Article 21 – Hotels and Transportation Article 22 – Joint Scheduling Committee Article 23 – Emergency Assignments Article 24 – Copies of the Agreement Article 27 – Bereavement Leaves Article 28 – Dispute Resolution Article 29 – System Board of Adjustment Article 31 – Union Security and Article 33 – No Strike/No Lock-Out

The two parties are also nearing agreement on the following articles: Articles 18 – Moving Expenses, Article 19 – Leaves of Absence, Article 25 – Exchange of Trips and Article 26 – Sick Leave.

In addition to these articles, the team will continue discussing Article 1, Recognition, which includes APFA’ s proposal on merger and acquisitions; and Article 10, Reserve.

Although your APFA Negotiating Team is pleased at the pace and progress that has recently been made, celebrating will not begin until we have reached agreement on the economic issues and have a ratified T/A that addresses our needs; improvements to pay, retirement and scheduling over what was negotiated in the failed T/A.

That’s all for this week. Please remain on the line for other Industry News.


Hello, this is Leslie Mayo, APFA National Communications Coordinator with more APFA new for the week ending May 26, 2000.

Merrill Lynch and Salomon Smith Barney both downgraded American Airline’s ratings in the past two days since the announcement of the United/US Air Merger on Wednesday. The potential merger (quote) ‘constitutes one too many strategic challenges to American’s already full plate,’ said Salomon’s Brian Harris. He continued, ‘American’s O’Hare operation would likely turn sharply negative if United gets US Airways.’ With the slot restriction being lifted at O’Hare and the opportunity for regional jet traffic at Dallas Love Field, Harris believes that this will do nothing but damage to American Airlines business. American has made no comment to date about their plans to retaliate. Some analysts are speculating that Northwest may be AA’ s target. Ray Neidl, an analyst with ING Barings said I think the chances are a little better than 50-50 that the merger will go through and if it does, American will have to do something. He reported that the most logical tactic would be for AA to buy another airline, namely Northwest, which would compensate for the prospective loss of gates at Chicago by adding Detroit and Minneapolis as two more major hubs.

Senior Committee members of the house Transportation Committee and its aviation subcommittee are scrambling for hearings regarding the proposed United/US Air merge, however the Republican Chairman from Pennsylvania, Bud Shuster, said that he wants all documents analyzed as well as talk to the labor unions involved. He was quoted as saying I’ll make the decision whether it is prudent to hold hearings if and when I think it’ s ripe. United’ s Pilots have strong concerns about the takeover since they are in strained contract discussions with United Airlines Management. One of the most important issues is the integration of the seniority lists and the concern that some United pilots could be bumped to co-pilot status when more senior US Air pilots come on board. United and US Air tried to merge in 1995, but the deal didn’ t go through thanks to the pilots lobbying against it. United is 55% owned by its employees and would HAVE to have their approval before the deal went through.

APFA is closely monitoring the proposed acquisition of USAir by United. The issue of Mergers and Acquisitions is being addressed at Negotiations with the company. If American does make any strategic moves, we will do whatever is necessary to protect the interests of our membership. All is quiet at Centreport at present, however the company is most certainly analyzing the situation very intensely.

As a heads up, the rally for the AA-China route is being done with both the APFA and the APA’ s support. We are working together with American Airlines. We want to secure these routes. Contractually, HOW we fly these routes will be determined under the subject of Collective bargaining. Under the subject of crazy rumors — QUESTION: Will Foreign Nationals be flying these routes? ANSWER: Absolutely not. The Foreign National Agreement is not even up for discussion at this round of bargaining. WE as APFA members will fly these routes if American can secure them.

American has decided to change the Super 80 BACK to a 14 seater in First Class from the current seat count of 20. Their explanation was that it was not as advantageous as they expected it to be. I think we all knew that the first day we walked on board and saw it.

APFA filed a Presidential Grievance today regarding the staffing on the triple 7. We do not believe that twelve Flight Attendants is enough manning to accomplish the level of service that AA expects on the triple 7. The headcount in coach is increasing from 163 to 190 and although the count is Business is being reduced, the elements of service are not.

Air Canada Pilots are closer to a strike following the Canadian Gov’ t ending Labor Talks this week. Ray hall, head of the Union representing more than 2,200 pilots reported that the clock is ticking on issues such as wages, pensions and crew requirements. We’re hopefully, not going to arrive at a strike position; but if we’re not able to meet with the company, if the company is not interested in meeting with us, we’ re going to have to make some fundamental decisions, he said.

Continental’ s commuter airline has agreed to play nice and offer up some gate space to American at Dallas Love Field airport. AA began service on May 1 to compete with LEGEND AIRLINES which is owned by America West as well as new service by Continental Express and Delta s commuter airline. American is vying for the last minute businessman booking which yields a much higher ticket price than those customers who plan ahead.

From the Safety Department: We have received several calls regarding the manual revision 12. It states that Flight Attendants will give mouth to mouth with or without a pocket mask. This was addressed by the company several months ago when the original changes were made to the manual. Our position is that NO F/A should be made to give MMR without the availability of a pocket mask. The Safety and Health departments have requested that this be addressed in negotiations. We have been assured by the company that if a Flight Attendant refuses to give MMR due to the unavailability of a pocket mask, they will not be disciplined. We have also asked that the Grab and Go kit be a no-go item on every aircraft.

This from the APFA Scheduling Department … Due to a system-wide shortage of reserve Flight Attendants, some beverage flights on the S-80, 727 and F-100 will not receive VM Flight Attendants. Also, beginning May 27 and running through May 31, we will be in the last five days of the contractual month. Flight Attendants should review Article 9.P.6. or Appendix I, Article 9.P.6. for procedures regarding pay protection. To qualify, you must lose your last trip of the month due to cancellation or illegality, and subsequently must do no flying. An OE is not considered as a last trip. Should this happen to you, you must put your name on the make-up list for all days originally scheduled to fly and up through eight hours after the arrival time of the original sequence, and you must make an effort to recover the time lost via the make-up system. Otherwise, you will forfeit the cancellation pay. Your obligation will appear in a header at the top of your HI1. After the obligation window has passed, the pay will be automatic following a search for your name on the make-up list by the computer. Please call the APFA Scheduling Department at headquarters extension 8161 if you have any questions.

The premiere issue of Skyword under your new administration was shipped this week. One of my goals as the Communications Coordinator is to create an informative and timely magazine for you ten times per year. With the changes in this new edition which will be quite noticeable in case you have not already received your copy, came the need to break some old habits regarding the way things have been done with Skyword for the past two decades. Now that the mold has been broken and a new one formed, from here on out, your magazine should arrive in a more timely fashion. I thank you for your patience with this first issue and hope that it was worth the wait. We’ re very proud of it, and your June Skyword is in the works as we speak.

American announced that Dell will also be the Internet Service Provider, as well as computer vendor for the employee computer program that begins this summer. Details of the upgrading guidelines were made available today. Payment for the actual upgrade itself must be paid in full at the time of ordering. This is on top of the $12 monthly charge for the basic offer. This can be done in one of four ways; by check, by using Achiever Points, by payroll deduction, or by loan from the credit union. Only one form of payment is acceptable and payment is made directly to Dell.

Your Negotiating Team 2000 and the Special Advisory Committee would like to invite you to our system InfoRep and Base meetings for negotiations briefings, sponsored by your local chairs. May 31 is the SFO/SFO-I meeting and will be at the Holiday Inn North, located at 275 South Airport Boulevard, in San Francisco. InfoReps are welcome at 10 a.m. and all members in good standing at noon. The phone number for the hotel is 650-873-3550 and they offer free parking at the hotel or complimentary transportation from San Francisco Airport, upper level. This meeting will take the place of the regularly scheduled base meeting for the month of May. Meetings in June, include Miami and Miami International on the 15th and Boston/Boston-I on the 22nd of June. Raleigh-Durham will be held on July 13 and Seattle on July 20.

American Airlines has extended the deadline to sign up for long-term care insurance. They are currently offering, until June 28,2000. Enrollment kits are available from MetLife, at 888-526-8495, Monday through Saturday. This insurance is being made available to employees eligible family members, and retirees and pricing is age-rated.

That’ s it for this week. Stay unified and wear your Union pin proudly. Thank you for calling the APFA HotLine.

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

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