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6.09.00 – (LAA) – Negotiations Update, Annual Convention, Mergers, AeroMexico

June 9, 2000

Hello, this is Laura Glading, North Eastern Division Rep and Negotiating Committee member and this is the negotiations portion of the hotline.

This week we signed off on Articles 18 – Moving Expenses, 19 – Leaves of Absence and 25 – Exchange of Trips. We had extensive discussions regarding a wide variety of scheduling issues, including reserve, and although progress was made we have not yet reached agreement on any particulars.

Much of our focus was on Article 1, where the Union has proposed extensive merger and acquisition language. Needless to say this is an extremely important issue right now. We were disappointed that we were not able to sign off on this article; however, with all of the rumors and speculation, the APFA wants to ensure that we proceed with caution and achieve the best protection for our members. We remain determined and confident.

Next week the team will continue discussions on Article 1 as well as Article 26 – Sick Leave, Article 11 – Language, and some training issues.

Thank you for your continued support and unity.


Hello, this is Leslie Mayo, APFA National Communications Coordinator with HotLine news for the week ending June 9, 2000.

The APFA Executive Committee is now complete following the Special Board of Director’ s Convention this week. Two new Ad Hocs were elected by the Board: Marcus Gluth will take his place as Ad Hoc #3, and Cheryl Walters as Ad Hoc #4. The 5 Ad Hocs and 4 National Officers makeup the Executive Committee.

On the merger front, sources say that American Airlines has been calling Northwest and Delta. Supposedly, Northwest was asking $60 per share and AA backed down. AA and Delta held talks this week and as late as Thursday financial terms had not been discussed nor the subject of which of the airlines might be the survivor. Remember, this is only speculation at this point. Also, KLM and British Airways have reportedly been in discussions to potentially create the world’ s third largest airline. Both sides have confirmed their mutual interest in a possible merge.

United and USAir have a long road ahead of them before their proposed merger takes place. Minnesota’ s Attorney General Mike Hatch has proclaimed that too much consolidation would create behemoth monopolies that will put the little guys out of business and has asked the US Dept. of Justice to block the deal between the two airlines. Immediately following the announcement a few weeks ago, Hatch began an antitrust probe into the mega-deal. Senator Arlen Spector also called for federal antitrust hearings on the merger. Sounds like there’ s a lot of opposition from government as well as those United pilots who aren’ t at all pleased about sharing their seniority with someone from another company.

Aeromexico has been taken over by the government of Mexico in order to avoid a complete shutdown of their airline following a strike by the Flight Attendants. The CEO says he is willing to increase their benefits and improve on retirement however the demands by their union were, QUOTE too steep.

The FAA is planning to crack down on firearms onboard aircraft. Apparently, law enforcement credentials can be easily counterfeited using sources on the Internet reports Cathal Flynn, with FAA Civil Aviation Security. I hope they put a rush on this crackdown now that this is all out in the open.

APFA’ s Hotel Department is in the midst of a Zurich review after having just completed Paris. There will be great improvements to the hotel in Paris, and more to follow on this in your next issue of Skyword. The hotel committee is reevaluating the hotel in Brussels and will keep you posted as events are updated. Hotels that are up for review this month include Atlanta, Baltimore and El Paso. We have also requested a review of Las Vegas and are awaiting confirmation on that. If you have any comments about these or any hotels, please call the Hotel Coordinator at 8306 or send e-mail to [email protected].

From the Contract Desk: U-O-Rs….or unannounced observation rides are occurring almost daily from management. These are ‘ghost rides’ ladies and gentlemen, and frequently, discipline is the result. Do yourself a favor and review crew rest language in the contract — for domestic p.138, international p. 274. Know the length and applicability of rest as well as compliance procedures for your trip.

Your Negotiating Team 2000 and the Special Advisory Committee would like to invite you to our system InfoRep and Base meetings for negotiations briefings, sponsored by your local chairs. Meetings in June, include Miami and Miami International on the June 15th and Boston/Boston-I on the 22nd of June. Raleigh-Durham will be held on July 13 and Seattle on July 20.

American Airlines has extended the deadline to sign up for long-term care insurance. They are currently offering, until June 28,2000. Enrollment kits are available from MetLife, at 888-526-8495, Monday through Saturday. This insurance is being made available to employees eligible family members, and retirees and pricing is age-rated.

As a reminder, Call your Base Chair if you’ d like to become an InfoRep and wear your Union pin proudly. That’ s it for this week. Thank you for calling the APFA HotLine.

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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