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9.06.02 – (LAA) – One Year Anniversary of 9/11, Overage Leaves

This is APFA President John Ward with a special APFA HotLine for Wednesday, September 11, 2002.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of thirteen of our members, four of our colleagues at APA, the Flight Attendants and Pilots of United Airlines Flights 175 and 93, and the thousands of other innocent victims at the World Trade Center, Pentagon and in rural Pennsylvania.

Please remember today and always the following heroes who died that day; may they remain forever in our thoughts and prayers:

From Flight 11: Captain John Ogonowski, First Officer Tom McGuinness, Flight Attendants Karen Martin, Bobby Arestegui, Sara Low, Jeff Collman, Kathy Nicosia, Betty Ong, Amy Sweeney, Dianne Snyder, Jean Roger;

Flight 77: Captain Chic Burlingame, First Officer Dave Charlebois, Flight Attendants Renee May, Michelle Heidenberger, Ken Lewis, and Jennifer Lewis.

Thank you for calling.



The following letter was received by the APFA from American Airlines regarding Special Pay Protection for September 11, 2002.

As you know, the Company has made the decision to cancel approximately one hundred (100) flights on September 11, 2002. Unfortunately, these cancellations were made after the September bids closed. As a result, the Company intends to offer special, non-precedent setting sequence pay protection, flight attendants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

Flight Attendants must place their names on the make-up list for days originally scheduled to fly:

Only those flight attendants whose sequences, as a result of the September 11, 2002 cancellations, have been modified to the extent that the new sequence results in a lesser number of days than the original sequence, need place their names on the make-up list. Such flight attendants must place their names on the make-up list by 1200 noon, local base time, the day before the day(s) originally scheduled to fly in order to be eligible for this special pay protection.

For example, if a flight attendant was scheduled for a three-day sequence, and because of the cancellation, that sequence was modified to become a two-day sequence, that flight attendant must place him/herself on the make-up list for the one remaining day he/she was originally scheduled to fly.

Flight attendants whose sequences, though modified by the Company as a result of the cancellations, maintain the same number of days in duration as the original sequence, do not need to place themselves on the make-up list.

For example, a flight attendant who originally held a three day sequence, and after the modification continues to be scheduled for a three-day sequence, need not place him/herself on the make-up list.

If a flight attendant is required to place him/herself on the make-up list but is above the applicable monthly maximum, he/she must send a HISEND message to Crew Schedule by 1200 noon on the day prior to each day originally scheduled to fly. The HISEND message must indicate whether the flight attendant is willing to accept an assignment from crew schedule.

Please stay on the line for the regular Hotline.


Hello. Today is Friday, September 6, 2002. This is George Price, APFA National Communications Coordinator.

As we are all aware, next Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The APFA is committed to helping our member’s through this period. There will be peer support being offered in most bases in the system by APFA Representatives and in many cases in conjunction with the Company. There will also be representatives available at APFA to help those that need assistance. A list of events and support being offered around the United States and specifically at the various bases can be found on the APFA Web site “September 11 Events” Page. New posts are being added daily. For those in New York, APA will be holding a BBQ in honor of the rescue and recovery workers. There is limited number of tickets left. If you are interested, please call Tim Saulter at 718-397-1934.


American Airlines will be sponsoring the following:

  • A moment of silence around the system at 1000;
  • EAP Assistance at stations around the system (in many cases in conjunction with APFA);
  • Pilots will make a PA asking customers to reflect on the significance of the day;
  • A special ribbon created in cooperation with United Airlines will be distributed to all employees beginning September 9th;
  • And, managers will coordinate times that employees may gather to remember those lost.

If you will be working on September 11th or the days surrounding it, the press may approach you. If this happens to you, please decline comment and refer them to the APFA Communications Department or AA Corporate Communications.

This has been a very difficult year for us all. From the early days after the attacks, we defied those that would orchestrate such barbaric acts by getting back on our airplanes and going to work. We have become much more self-confident and aware of our work environment. More than anything, we have become a stronger group of safety and security professionals.

Whether you are scheduled to work next week or will have the time off, please take a moment on September 11th and remember each of the crewmembers onboard American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 and United Airlines Flights 175 and 93. They were truly heroes in every sense of the word.

The Proffer for Overage Leaves and Partnership Flying has been posted and will close on Monday, September 16th. Information on Overage Leaves, Partnership Flying, and the award process will follow this HotLine.

The Missouri Work Force Commission will hold Rapid Response meetings in St. Louis for those TWA-LLC employees that may be impacted by the reduction in force. These meetings will include presentations on Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Labor Market Information, and other information on services provided through the Dislocated Workers Program. The meetings will be held September 7th and 10th from 1000 until 1400 at the TWA-LLC Training Center. The Missouri Work Force Commission hopes to schedule a job fair in the near future. We will include this information on the Reduction In Force Page of the APFA Web site when it is confirmed.

Furlough notices were sent to all Flight Attendants subject to furlough in October and November. There have been questions as to why the 163 American Airlines Flight Attendants hired after April 10, 2001 and recalled in April and May of this year will be furloughed prior to the awarding of Overage Leaves and Partnership Flying. The reason is this. The TWA Integration Agreement provides that only the junior most Flight Attendants on the combined list will be on furlough. When the seniority lists are integrated on October 1st, the 163 AA Flight Attendants will be junior to 745 furloughed TWA Flight Attendants. American does not plan to offer additional Overage Leaves in order to recall Flight Attendants currently on furlough. The leaves being offered now are “in lieu of” additional layoffs. The APFA is greatly distressed at the prospect of any of our members being furloughed. We will continue to work with the company to ensure that everything that is contractually available is provided to those affected by this reduction in force.

American has notified the APFA that LTD premiums will not be increased in 2003. All non-contract employees will be given a three-month holiday from premiums due to the fact the demand for LTD coverage among those groups has not exceeded contributions. However, Flight Attendants will not be afforded the same holiday because contributions have barely covered claims. The Company also stated that premiums might be increased in 2004, but that a determination will be made sometime in 2003.

On Thursday the U.S. Senate passed an amendment to the Homeland Security bill that would allow Pilots to carry guns in the cockpit. This same amendment, sponsored by Senators Bob Smith R-NH and Barbara Boxer D-CA., also contained several key provisions of special interest to Flight Attendants. It provides for mandatory self-defense training for Flight Attendants, instant hands-free two-way communication between the cabin and the cockpit, and a study of non-lethal weapons for Flight Attendants. The amendment went one step further than its companion House bill by providing video monitoring of the cabin by the cockpit and a requirement that specially trained personnel be in charge of conducting cabin safety searches.

The APFA Bulletin Board is a service provided by the APFA for members in good standing. It is an open forum for our members to make posts regarding issues affecting our union. For those members who are currently using the board and for those who may be interested in doing so in the future, please be advised that there are rules governing its use. Members must agree to these rules prior to each visit to the bulletin board. We asked that everyone using the board comply with these rules out of respect for everyone utilizing this service.

Some members have inquired as to why there has been little information provided on the hotline and the web site regarding the TWA litigation. Unfortunately, because issues related to the AA/APFA Agreement on Seniority Integration and Related Matters are the subject of pending litigation, the best interests of APFA and the represented Flight Attendants would not be served by elaborating on the case or the issues involved at this time. When information becomes available that can be freely shared, APFA will provide it using the hotline and the web site.


In Industry News:

Northwest Airlines announced this week they would cut 1,000 jobs due to reductions in flight schedules in the fall. Most of the workers affected will be temporary workers, aircraft cleaners, agents, and baggage handlers.

Flight Attendants at Midwest Express are free to conduct their CHOAS campaign by striking selective flights. Midwest Express has taken legal action against AFA and has promised to lock out strikers.

United Airlines this week named Glenn Tilton as their new CEO. Tilton has avoided stating whether bankruptcy is inevitable at that airline.


Now, please hold on for information on Overage Leaves and Partnership Flying.

The following is information about Overage Leaves and Partnership Flying.

The initial proffer for Overage Leaves of Absence was posted on Wednesday, September 4th. The proffer will close at 0800 CDT on September 16th. Flight Attendants interested in proffering for one of the leaves can do so by submitting HISEND message form 32 for Overage Leaves and Message form 20 for Partnership Flying. Proffer instructions can be found in HIDIRECTORY under FA/VC/OVER for Overage Leaves and FA/VC/PART for Partnership Flying. Any Flight Attendant who attempted to proffer prior to the formal opening of the proffer will need to resubmit their request using the proper HISEND forms.

Overage Leaves will be offered in three key blocks. The first is a 12-month key block beginning October 1, 2002, running through September 30, 2003. The second is a 7-month key block beginning October 1, 2002, and ending April 30, 2003. The third and final key block is a 6-month block that will begin on November 1, 2002, and end on April 30, 2003. STL and ISL Flight Attendants will not be eligible to bid the 6-month key blocks during this Overage Leave bidding cycle. Once the Company finalizes the November Schedule for STL and ISL another overage leave proffer will be posted for those two bases for the 6-month key blocks that begin November 1, 2002.


If an overage still exists after the key blocks have been awarded, auxiliary blocks will then be awarded. They are broken down as follows:

  • Block A Oct 1, 2002-Dec 31, 2002 (3-months)
  • Block B Jan 1, 2003-Sep 30, 2003 (9-months)
  • Block C Jan 1, 2003-Apr 30, 2003 (4-months)
  • Block D Nov 1, 2002-Jan 30, 2003 (3-months)
  • Block E Jan 31, 2003-Apr 30, 2003 (3-months)

STL and ISL Flight Attendants will not be eligible to bid the auxiliary blocks D beginning November 1, 2002-January 30, 2003 or E beginning January 31, 2003-April 30, 2003. A separate proffer will open in late September for STL and ISL to bid for these auxiliary blocks.

Flight Attendants are eligible to bid for Overage Leaves if they are on an active status the day the leave commences. Flight Attendants on Injury-on-Duty must have a planned clear date prior to the start date of the Overage Leave to be eligible. If a Flight Attendant is on FMLA or maternity and holds the Overage Leave they must clear the sick list prior to the beginning of the leave. If a Flight Attendant is currently on an Educational Leave, Personal Leave, or Overage Leave they will be eligible to bid for an Overage Leave as long as their current leave ends prior to the start date of the Overage Leave.


There are some things that need to be highlighted regarding this particular round of Overage Leaves:

  • Flight Attendants must be fingerprinted by November 25, 2002 or prior to the commencement of their leave, whichever is earlier, or they will forfeit their Overage Leave.
  • When proffering for the Overage Leaves, Flight Attendants must respond to choices 4 and 5 in order to continue through the ballot. This does not mean you elect either of these options.
  • Payment for the continuation of health care coverage will accrue during the leave. The balance will be deducted from paychecks received after the leave ends. Flight Attendants will not be able to pay the balance up front or month-to-month.
  • APFA strongly encourages continuation of LTD coverage during Overage Leave. If a Flight Attendant discontinues coverage, they will be required to complete a Statement of Health in order to resume coverage. In this case, pre-existing conditions may exclude you from resumption of coverage.
  • While on an Overage Leave, Flight Attendants will not be able to transfer or proffer to another base. You must be legal and available on the effective day of a proffer or transfer.

Partnership Flying will only be awarded after all key and auxiliary Overage Leave blocks have been awarded, and if an overage still exists at that time. Partnership Flying will be for three months beginning October 1, 2002, thru December 31, 2002.

The APFA has set up a “Partner Finder” on the APFA Web site under “Reduction in Force.” If you are interested participating in Partnership Flying and need to find a partner, you can list yourself and your qualifications for others at your base to view. The APFA is offering this service in order to make it easier to locate a partner. It is the responsibility of the individual Flight Attendants to make contact and create the partnership in accordance with Appendix F of the Contract and the Article 16 Settlement Agreement. All of this information can be found on the APFA Web site.

That is it for this week’s HotLine. Please visit the APFA Web site for the latest information.

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

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