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9.27.02 – (LAA) – APFA and AA Meet to Discuss the Results of the STL and ISL Overage Leave Proffer

Today is Thursday, October 3, 2002. This is George Price, APFA National Communications Coordinator, with an APFA HotLine Update.

The APFA and American met today to discuss the results of the STL and ISL Overage Leave Proffer that closed this morning. During the course of the meeting, American informed the APFA that the system wide overage beginning in November was greater than expected. For that reason, additional Overage Leaves will be offered.

A proffer for up to 350 additional Overage Leaves for all bases other than STL and ISL will open on Friday, October 4, 2002. The proffer will close at 0800 Central Time on Monday, October 14, 2002. The Overage Leaves will be for key blocks of one-year and six months.

The proffer for STL and ISL for up to 75 additional Overage Leaves will open on Monday, October 7th and will also close at 0800 Central Time on Monday, October 14, 2002. They too will be for key blocks of one-year and six months.

Flight Attendants awarded these leaves will be notified on Friday, October 18, 2002.

For more information on Overage Leaves, please visit the APFA Web site under “Reduction in Force.”

Please stay on the line for the latest edition of the APFA HotLine.


Hello. This is George Price, APFA National Communications Coordinator, with the APFA HotLine for Friday, September 27, 2002.

Per American Airlines, all Flight Attendants must be fingerprinted by October 15th. If you have not already been fingerprinted, please contact your local Flight Service Management for dates, times, and locations for fingerprinting. American has begun notifying Flight Attendant’s whose fingerprint data was irretrievably lost in a recent data transfer. If you are one of those affected, you will, unfortunately, need to resubmit to the fingerprinting process again in order to meet the TSA’s deadline.

The Overage Leave proffer currently open at STL and ISL will close on October 3rd. The 180 most senior STL Flight Attendants who originally received furlough notices are no longer subject to furlough and may bid for these leaves.

The breakdown of the Overage Leave Awards at each base by seniority is now available on the APFA Web site.

The APFA Dues Department would like to remind those Flight Attendants who were awarded Overage Leaves that they remain dues obligated for the duration of their leave. In the next few weeks, the Dues Department will be sending out letters outlining dues obligations and payment options.

As a reminder, those Flight Attendants awarded Overage Leaves must be fingerprinted by November 25th or by the day their leave commences, whichever is sooner, or their leave will be forfeited.

Registration for D-3 Guest Travel began on September 23rd. Please be advised, after October 29, 2002, guests must be on your list in order to use your passes. Flight Attendants can register up to 12 Guest Travelers, and they do NOT have to list all guests at one time. However, once a guest is listed, they must remain on the list for twelve months prior to being removed or being changed. Dependents and parents must be listed, but they will NOT count against the Flight Attendant’s 12 guest limit. Flight Attendants can restrict travel for their guests at any time. The restriction may be lifted at any time, and the guest will be active for travel once again.

The AA NavigAAtor will be replaced by The Employee Policy Guide (EPG) on September 30th. It will be accessible online through Jetnet.

On the safety front, TSA Administrator Admiral James Loy this week announced the gradual phase out of random gate screening. Admiral Loy said that he would like to eliminate the screenings as each airport’s security personnel become federalized.

APFA President John Ward sent a letter to Admiral Loy this week outlining the APFA’s airport safety and security concerns. The letter also took issue with Admiral Loy’s testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee the week of September 9th in which Loy said that the current self-defense training incorporated into Flight Attendant training classes such as the segment we receive at EPTS was sufficient. President Ward made it very clear that the self-defense training we receive is woefully inadequate, and urged passage of legislation requiring mandatory self-defense training.

Beginning October 1st, new procedures for makeup using HISEND will be implemented. Crew Scheduling will now honor specific requests via HISEND. Please see the latest edition of Skyword or check “Hot Topics” on the APFA Web site for details.

Annual benefits enrollment will open on October 1st and close on October 31st. You should be receiving notification of these dates from American either through Jetmail or a postcard. There are quite a few changes to the benefits plans that you should make yourself aware of prior to making elections. In addition, all enrollment must be accomplished on-line at The company is currently conducting road shows to explain the new procedures and there is also an enrollment tour on Jetnet. You do need a password to access Jetnet. If you have never activated your password or experience problems with your current password, call Employee Services at (800) 888-1696 or (817) 967-1770 for assistance.

We continue to enhance the APFA Web site. Last week, the APFA I.O.D. Packet was posted on the APFA Health Page for easier and quicker access. The Maternity Packet is scheduled to go online soon. The APFA Retirement Book that will be included in the October Skyword is already online under the “Retirement” icon on the opening page. The APFA Web site also contains a “Roommate Finder” and a great deal of information including job postings for those affected by the reduction in force.

The APFA Bulletin Board on the web site is an open forum for members to discuss issues affecting our union. The APFA reminds all members that in order to use the bulletin board, you must adhere to all of the rules. Violations of the rules will result in a warning. Continued violations will result in restriction from use of the board. Please read the “Legal Notice and Agreement” found on the APFA Web site. When posting to the bulletin board, keep in mind that only APFA members in good standing may use the board. Common courtesy and professionalism should be used when posting messages.

APFA has received several reports of members receiving virus laden e-mails from what appears to be an APFA e-mail address. The APFA computer system does not allow viruses in, thus none may be sent out from any computer within the APFA. What has apparently happened is that someone’s computer has been infected by a virus and APFA’s e-mail address is in their address book or the person has sent to or received e-mails from the APFA. The virus infecting their computer has begun sending virus laden e-mails under the APFA address. If you do not currently have virus protection software installed on your computer, APFA strongly encourages you to install the program of your choice. Virus protection software should be updated frequently due to the large volume of new viruses. A list of virus protection software programs can be found on the APFA Web site under “Hot Topics.”

From the APFA Hotel Department: The 2002 APFA Hotel Survey will be included in the October Skyword. On October 1st, the survey will be accessible online under the APFA Hotel Page on the APFA Web site. Please take the time to complete the survey. It will give the APFA a clear understanding of which hotels are favored and which are not.

American Airlines announced this week changes to the headset policy. Effective November 1, Flight Attendants will charge passengers $2.00 for a set of headsets on all flights with in-flight entertainment programs. Passengers may take the headsets with them for use on any American Airlines flight. Passengers may use their own headsets to access in-flight entertainment at no charge. APFA President John Ward has voiced APFA’s concern about the added responsibility of selling headsets on each and every flight with in-flight entertainment. We will update you on this situation as more information becomes available.

As a reminder, Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. If you have not registered to vote or updated your registration please do so. The APFA Web site now includes voter registration sites under “My Government.” In case you may be scheduled to fly on November 5th, you may want to register to vote absentee or vote early if that option is available in your state.


In Industry News:

Once again, American made headlines several times this week. American announced that the 9% reduction in capacity previously announced for the fall schedule will be more along the lines of 11%.

AMR stock closed at record lows this week. At one time, the stock was at a 52-week low of $3.60 a share.

American Airlines CEO Don Carty along with other airline CEOs testified before Congress regarding the state of the airline industry. Mr. Carty made it clear that if the United States does go to war with Iraq many other U.S. airlines will file bankruptcy. He pleaded for Congress to underwrite airline terrorism insurance, assume the cost of reinforcement of cockpit doors, and assist with the cost of new security measurers.

Mr. Carty spoke to Wall Street Analysts at a breakfast on Wednesday. He reiterated his belief that war with Iraq would deal a serious blow to the already ailing airline industry. Carty told the analysts that in a war scenario the airlines would have to have government assistance. He went on to say that American would be forced to make further cutbacks, but he stopped short of giving details.

Finally, U.S. Attorneys in Denver are seeking to prove American used predatory pricing to drive smaller competitors out of business. The government has elected to appeal a lower court’s decision to dismiss the charges.

Delta Air Lines announced on Friday plans to cut 1,500 Flight Attendant jobs this fall. The airline hopes to make the cuts through leaves.

Unions at United presented their proposals for labor cost cuts to management this week. The proposal includes $1billion dollars in annual labor cost cuts over a 5-year period. United management had proposed $9 billion in cuts over the same period. United is seeking concessions from the employees in order to finalize its application for federal loan guarantees.

That is it for this week’s edition of the APFA HotLine. Please visit the web site for the latest information.

Remember, there are 1566 Flight Attendants currently on furlough.

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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