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12.19.17 – Dirty Aircraft Vents,Charlotte Giving Tree, JSIC Base Visit, Aircraft Cleaning Duties, Reserve Numbers, Passing of Toni Ketchell, Hotel News, Early Boarding, Tax Reform Bill

Dirty Aircraft Vents

APFA reported last week that, thanks to the efforts of APFA and Flight Attendants who have submitted reports, the Company would begin proactively cleaning the vents on the entire A330 and A320 fleet.

We are pleased to report that, through our continued efforts, the Company has agreed to begin proactively cleaning cabin ceiling and sidewall vents on all aircraft. On affected wide-body aircraft, vents in crew-bunk areas will also be included in this process.

Special thanks to our Charlotte Flight Attendants for sending detailed reports to address this matter.

Charlotte Giving Tree 2017

Final Reminder: All donated items should be in the CrewRoom box no later than Wednesday December 20, 2017. A special Thank You to everyone who donated!!

This year, we would like to help a family in need that has four children ages 14, 12, 8, and 2 years old. We only know their ages and what they are in need of.

2 year old Boy – Clothes — 18-24 months.  Shoes size 6 — Loves the movie “Cars” — Hot Wheels – Transformers – Tractors

8 year old Girl — Pants size 10 slim.  Shirts 8/10.  Boots with a fancy heel – Purses — Lip gloss –Loves unicorns, cheerleading and glitter.

12 year old Girl — Pants size 2. Shirt XS. Shoes 6 ½ — Polaroid camera and film — Pair of black suspenders — Loves foxes, cats, football and makeup.

14 year old Girl — Pants size 2. Shirts Small. Shoes size 8 ½ — Art supplies, canvas, paints brushes, loves dogs wolves, hunting and football.

If you have any questions or other ideas for holiday giving, please let Frank or Wanda know.  If you would email Frank and Wanda to let them know what you’ve dropped off, that would be great so we know what we have and what we still need to get.  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” target=”_blank”>[email protected] or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .” target=”_blank”>[email protected].

The drop box is outside of the Flight Service office in Concourse C(pending approval), just as you come off of the elevator.  If you are going to drop off several items and need help, please let us know and we can meet you.

JSIC Base Visit

Mark your Calendar for January 16th, 2018. The JSIC will be in CLT “Going Forward to FOI”. Please engage everyone from the JSIC and trainers that will be in crew rooms.

Clarification on Aircraft Cleaning Duties

This issue deals with performing cleaning duties at the end of a Flight Attendant’s duty day. If both the aircraft and Flight Attendant crew are scheduled for a RON, then no cleaning duties are required. Should the aircraft be scheduled to continue on to another destination and the Flight Attendant crew is scheduled for a RON, then Flight Attendants are required to perform cabin cleaning duties until the end of her/his duty day. The end of a Flight Attendant’s domestic duty day is fifteen(15) minutes after the aircraft ” blocks in” at the gate.

The language found on page 37-4 of the 2013 RedBook Agreement  is clear: A Flight Attendant will not be required to perform such cabin cleaning duties after the conclusion of her/his duty day. Any unfinished cleaning duties shall be the responsibility of the Company and the oncoming crew shall not be responsible for such cleaning.

Per Redbook Section 2.W; “On-Duty Time” shall include the hours of one (1) hour before scheduled departure of a flight and shall continue until fifteen (15) minutes after the arrival of such flight, or actual release time, whichever is later. 

The deplaning process consumes much of the fifteen(15) minutes duty time, and full flights leave very limited time to perform cleaning duties. As a courtesy to the agents, passengers, and oncoming crew, it would be helpful to notify the agent when you are not able to complete the cleaning duties.

Please Note: Cleaning at hub cities (CLT, DCA, PHL, PHX) has not been eliminated from the 2013 FA Agreement, however, until further notice, FAs are not required to clean in hub cities and aircraft cleaners will assume the cabin cleaning responsibilities at hubs during normal operations.

Per JCBA Section 37.F.7Until Flight Attendant operational integration (FOI), Legacy American Airlines Flight Attendants and Legacy US Airways Flight Attendants will continue cabin cleaning duties as provided for in each group’s previous agreement.

Reserve Numbers for January

The reserve numbers for LAA and LUS for January 2018 are off the charts, to put it mildly.

From the moment the numbers were released, we have been actively working to research why the increase has been so drastic. We have requested an in-person meeting next week with Manpower Planning and the Labor Relations department.

The Company continues to staff excessively high reserve numbers for an entire bid period that may have just one peak period (such as New Year’s Day) which requires excess staffing. In years past, the Company had new hires available and trained to coincide with the holiday peak period. This year, the new hire program will start in January, with the first new hire Flight Attendants available to fly in mid to late February.

Rest assured, we are aware of the problem affecting each LAA and LUS crew base, and will push the Company to meet with us to identify solutions which benefit the Flight Attendant group as a whole. Forcing an excess amount of reserves for one peak period in a month cannot continue to be the answer.

APFA Mourns the Passing of FA Toni Ketchell

APFA is sad to announce the passing of Flight Attendant Toni Ketchell yesterday after a short illness. Toni was one of four survivors of American Airlines flight 383 that crashed in Cincinnati on November 8, 1965, claiming the lives of 58 passengers and crew. While her injuries prevented her from returning to the line, she remained on the seniority list. In the 1980’s, she served as a member of the APFA National Ballot Committee as well as the APFA National Safety Coordinator.

Following the crash, she dedicated herself to aircraft cabin safety as well as educating her co-workers and the flying public on the causes and effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, earning her APFA’s Distinguished Service Award in 1999.

Toni was a very special person,” remembers DFW Flight Attendant Gail Maconkey, Toni’s friend and colleague in the APFA Safety Department. The fact that she came out of her crash experience nearly 5 years later is an incredible testament to her fortitude. She took that event and turned it in to a cause for good, working to create PTSD programs for crash survivors, serving her union, and advancing the importance of aviation safety.” 

Per Toni’s request, there will be no service, however cards of condolence may be sent to APFA to be forwarded to the family:

1004 West Euless Blvd.
Euless, TX 76040

Hotel News You Can Use

Credit Cards at Hotel Check-In

Per JCBA Sections 6.D.1 and 6.D.2, Flight Attendants are not required to provide a credit card in order to check-in to the hotel. Each Flight Attendant shall pay for any incidental charges (e.g., telephone calls, in-room movie rental, etc.) prior to checking out of the hotel.

Thanks to Flight Attendants and Base Reps who submitted reports about being asked to provide a credit card in order to check-in, the APFA Hotel Department was able get this issue addressed with the Company.

Effective immediately, verbiage in the payment agreement used for crew accommodations during OSO/IROPS will be updated to indicate that crew members are not required to leave a credit card at check-in. If you continue to experience issues, please fill out a Hotel Debrief Form on the APFA webpage.

San Juan Layovers/RONs 

San Juan Layovers/RONs will resume today. Please report any issues to the Hotel Department via a Hotel Debrief Form.

Hotel Relocation at BWI

Due to two confirmed cases of crew members being robbed in the area of the downtown long layover hotel in BWI, Corporate Security has strongly recommended relocating crews. For the remainder of the month, all crew members will be relocated from the long layover to the short layover property. The Hotel Committee will be looking at other options for future long layover hotels in BWI.

Hotel Issues

Please complete the Hotel Debrief Form or contact our CLT local hotel base rep Chair Sharon Wymer at 614 316-6166  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” target=”_blank”>[email protected]

Early Boarding Issues

Send your information and report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” target=”_blank”>[email protected] or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” target=”_blank”>[email protected]

Tax Reform Bill

Call Your Senators and Representatives!!

How does the GOP Tax plan hurt Flight Attendants and families? It removes employee business expense deductions. If it passes, Flight Attendants will not be able to deduct any flight crew expenses anymore, including uniforms, union dues, or per diem for every city where you overnight – everything. This could result in Flight Attendants paying thousands of dollars more in taxes.

How do I call my Senator? You may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

How do I contact my Representative? Click this link and find your Rep:

Protections for Those Directly Affected by California Fires

A Letter of Agreement (LOA) was reached with the Company that provides protection for Flight Attendants who were directly affected by the recent Southern California fires.

The provisions of the agreement include, but are not limited to:

  • Ability to use PVDs/Filler Days or Move Up Current Year Unused Vacation to Cover Lost Trips
  • Attendance/dependability protection
  • Consideration for those who incurred a severe hardship as a direct result of the fires

Flight Attendants wishing to exercise any of the above options should contact their service manager.

Full details of the LOA can be found on the APFA website.

FOI Settlement

The APFA Board of Directors (BOD) met in Dallas-Fort Worth on Friday, December 8th. We were presented with a signed settlement agreement for the Presidential Grievance filed in September on the FOI Timeline.

A special board meeting was convened, and several voting APFA BOD members voiced their disdain for this settlement. The recommendation to the National Officers was to return the settlement to the Company to be revoked and considered null and void.

The information circulating on social media was disclosed prematurely. Discussions between the APFA and Company continue. At this time, we have no other information to report and will refrain from further comments while the talks are ongoing.

Flight Attendant Bidding Resource Center

Health Insurance 2018

Your new Health Insurance ID cards for 2018 have been mailed and should arrive soon.

Special Thanks

A special thanks to Paul Hartshorn and Renee Mayer for all of your efforts with Contract and Scheduling issues, and also thank you to Alana Porter for assisting us with PBS/Award issues.

The busy Winter holiday season is upon us. Please stay warm and safe. Wishing you the Happiest of the Holiday Season!! Let’s put 2017 behind us and welcome 2018!

Thank you for everything you do each and every day.

Wanda Sarnacki
APFA CLT Base President
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” target=”_blank”>[email protected]

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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