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5.18.18 – (LAA/LUS) – Government Affairs Update/Scheduling Dept Update – LAA/Cabin Heat Events/JSIC TTH/Trending FAQs/New Hire Class 18-13/Uniform Reaction Rpt

APFA Special Hotline

  • Government Affairs Update
  • National Scheduling Department Update – LAA
  • Cabin Heat Events
  • APFA JSIC Telephone Town Hall Recording
  • Trending FAQs on Rescheduling & Pay Protection
  • Welcome New Hire Class 18-13!
  • Uniform Reaction Report 

Government Affairs Update

Legislation to Combat Sexual Harassment on Airplanes

APFA supports a bipartisan bill released this week that calls for new reporting requirements and policies to counter sexual assault and physical harassment of both employees and passengers in commercial air and other modes of transportation.

The Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act, introduced by Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-4), will require airlines and other companies engaged in transporting passengers, in conjunction with their Unions, to establish clear policies to combat abuse.
Airlines will have a special requirement to keep records and provide annual reports of incidents involving sexual harassment. New financial penalties and training requirements are also included in the proposed legislation. In addition, airlines would be required to post, on their websites, policies and guidance related to sexual harassment of passengers and crew.APFA applauds Representative DeFazio for introducing this important piece of legislation.

Op-ed in Dallas News by APFA National President Nena Martin >>

APFA Press Release >>

AA Policy Change on Emotional Support Animals
The Company announced new guidelines this week that no longer recognize goats, ferrets, insects, snakes, hedgehogs, amphibians, reptiles, rodents, spiders, and sugar gliders as emotional support animals. Also banned are non-household birds such as farm poultry, waterfowl, game birds, and birds of prey as well as animals with tusks, horns, or hooves.
The Company’s policy change comes on the heels of legislation proposed by Senator Burr (R-NC) that would align what is considered a service animal onboard the airplane with the definition accepted by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). APFA lobbied hard for Senator Burr’s bill as part of our Cabin Safety Lobby Day last month, and we received positive bipartisan feedback from nearly every office.

Language to harmonize onboard service animals with the ADA definition was also included in the FAA Reauthorization Bill that passed in the House last month. We will continue pushing to see similar language included in the upcoming FAA Reauthorization Bill on the Senate side.

Allie Malis
APFA Interim Government Affairs Representative
[email protected]

National Scheduling Department Update – LAA

Crew Planning to Recognize DFP Requests for RP Lines

Starting with the June Bid Month, programming will be adjusted to recognize duty-free period (DFP) requests for RP (3000) lines only. When adding your DFP preferences, it is better to request individual days off as opposed to blocks of days. Keep in mind, as with all preferences, seniority and contractual legalities will apply.

June Reserve Numbers

The dreaded reserve rotation from February is back for the June bid month. This, along with the elimination of AVBL days on RL and RP lines, contributes to the spike in reserves for June. Also, keep in mind that the recent implementation of JCBA Rescheduling language (10.J.) restricts the Company from utilizing a line holder as a reserve. When misconnects, delays, and cancellations occur, Crew Scheduling must make every effort to return the line holder to base no later than originally scheduled.  In order for this to happen, there must be reserves available to replace the crew.

This year’s new hire classes begin graduating this month, bringing some expected relief, though temporary, as they begin their 1 on 1 off rotations in July. However, APFA and the Joint Scheduling Committee continue to push for long-term solutions to increasing reserve numbers including lowering line averages and postponing non-essential training such as Elevate.

Elevate & PBS Training in June

The Company is not allotting any slots for reserves to attend PBS or Elevate training for the month of June. If June is your reserve month, you are not required to attend either of these trainings in June. If you would like to attend, you must call the Training Support Desk to make arrangements.

Renee Mayer
APFA National Scheduling Chair
[email protected]

Cabin Heat Events
Many cities are already feeling the heat with summer-like temperatures. According to Company Policy, passenger boarding cannot begin unless the interior aircraft temperature is 90 degrees or below.APFA strongly opposes this “90 degree policy”, and will continue to advocate for a lower maximum cabin temperature for passenger boarding. We encourage Flight Attendants to make the best determination of their own health and safety when faced with a hot aircraft cabin. Flight Attendants should coordinate with the Pilots and Gate Agents to ensure all measures have been taken to cool the aircraft prior to boarding.

Flight Attendant Boarding Protocols 

Upon arrival, in cities where the outside temperature exceeds 80 degrees, Flight Attendant 1/A delivers the “Warm Weather Cabin” PA requesting passengers to close window shades, turn off reading lights and open air vents. This request is to follow all routine “Arrival/Taxi-in” announcements. This will help ensure that the cabin remains as cool as possible for both the crew and the passengers on the next flight.

Too Hot to Board

If you step onto a hot aircraft with a cabin temperature above 90 degrees and there are no Pilots, call Flight Service Daily Operations at 888-222-4737 and inform the Gate Agent. You must report the cabin conditions so it can be immediately addressed. Do not remain on the aircraft if it is too hot. Proceed to the boarding area, if possible.

The Captain has final authority to determine if cabin conditions are adequate for passenger boarding. Please continue to communicate and coordinate with Gate Agents and the Pilots as appropriate to ensure the best possible boarding conditions.

As a First Responder, remember to review signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses and remain prepared. Should you become ill, submit a CERS Report and consider filing a Cabin ASAP Report as well. ALL cabin heat events, especially those involving a delay in the boarding process and/or departure, should be reported to APFA via the Hot Cabin Report Form located on the APFA website.

In Safety and in Unity,

Noëlle Weiler
APFA National Safety & Security Chair
[email protected]

APFA JSIC Telephone Town Hall Recording
Thanks to all who participated in the APFA JSIC Telephone Town Hall on Wednesday. If you were unable to catch the call live, a recording of the entire session is now available on the APFA website:APFA JSIC Town Hall on TTS, ETB, ROTA, and JCBA Reserve Rotation >>

Coming Soon: JSIC Telephone Town Hall on Rescheduling and Pay Protections

Trending FAQs on Rescheduling & Pay Protection

Since the Rescheduling and Pay Protection language went into effect this month for LAA Flight Attendants, the Contract/Scheduling reps at HDQs continue to receive many questions. Beginning this week, we will include trending FAQs in the weekly hotline:

Q. Do I have the option to not spilt on to my trip when I become FAR or contractually illegal? 

  1. When you are FAR or contractually illegal, it is your option to split on to the trip. If you decline to split on when you are FAR illegal, you will be pay protected up until you could have been split on to the trip.

If you are contractually illegal and decline to split on to the trip when you are contractually legal, you are not pay protected for the value of the sequence. (10.K.1)

Q. How will I be paid if I opt to split on to my trip when I become contractually legal?

A. This is considered a Flight Attendant initiated split and the following pay applies:

  • Trip rigs do not apply
  • Duty rigs are calculated for all days except for the day of the split
  • Greater of 3-hour minimum day, scheduled or actual for all days except the day of the split
  • The day of the split, you will be paid only for actual time flown (10.M.3)

Q. If I have a 4-day trip and it doesn’t come back through my base until day 3, can Crew Tracking try to split me back on sooner?

For both FAR illegallity and contractual illegality, Crew Tracking will first try to split you back on to your trip when it comes back through your base.

If it does not come back through your base, you may be deadheaded to your trip at the point you become legal. (10.K)

Q. If I am removed from my trip and pay protected, can I pick up another trip on the same days?

You can double-dip over any pay protected days of your pay protected trip, if you pick up a trip from the Company (MU, CC, II, L2, CR), and you will be paid in addition to any pay protection.  (10.E.3.m)

 Q. When can I be removed for a 3-hour delay? 

A. You can be removed if there is a posted delay of 3 hours or more, or if you have incurred a 3-hour delay at the origination of your trip. Reserve Flight Attendants must be available, and you may be required to remain until reserves report. CS will process calls on a first come, first served basis as requests are received and by seniority if the crew is all on the same call. (10.J.8)

Welcome New Hire Class 18-13!

Uniform Reaction Report

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

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