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7.25.18 – (LAA/LUS) – Weekly Scoop



Now that both LAA and LUS Flight Attendant pay schedules are aligned, we have created the calendar below for our pay dates for the remainder of 2018. For LAA Flight Attendants, the July 30th​‌​‌‌​​​​​‌‍ paycheck will be the first advance under the new JCBA pay schedule. The advance will be calculated by taking 37.5 hours multiplied by your current rate of pay. If you are inactive at any time during the first half of the bid month, your advance will be prorated based on the number of days you were active. If you elected the transition advance, the first installment of repayment will also be deducted from this paycheck.

JCBA Section 3.N.Monthly Method of Pay

1. Flight Attendants shall be paid semi-monthly (twenty-four (24) pay checks per year) on the fifteenth (15th) and thirtieth (30th) of each month except as specified in Paragraph O.3.

2. A Flight Attendant’s pay on the thirtieth (30th) of the month shall be equal to thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours (one-half of Reserve Guarantee). The balance of pay due will be paid on the fifteenth (15th) of the following month.

3. If the thirtieth (30th) pay date falls on a weekend or a banking holiday, the pay date will become the preceding business day. If the fifteenth (15th) falls on a weekend or banking holiday, the pay date will become the following business day.

Robin Charbonneau, APFA Communications Chair, [email protected]

Beginning August 1, report (sign-in) and release (debrief) times will be implemented for IPD sequences and Deadheading, in accordance with the JCBA.

  • Report 1:15 hours prior to scheduled departure for IPD flights. ‍​‌​‌‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​​​​‌‍(If you have a sequence where IPD flying is mixed with domestic or NIPD flying, the report time is based on the first flight of the duty period.)
  • Report time for deadheads will now be the same as the report time for working Flight Attendants.
  • ‍​‌​‌‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​​​​‌‍Report 1:00 hour prior to departure for Domestic and NIPD deadheads
  • Report 1:15 hours for IPD deadheads
  • Report 1:00 hour for deadheads to/from training​

Note: The above report times went into effect for LUS Flight Attendants on December 2, 2015.

 – Erik Harris, APFA National Contract Chair, [email protected]

Recognizing & Responding to Fumes in the Aircraft

Many members have contacted APFA requesting an updated checklist outlining what to do if they suspect that they may have been involved in a fume event. The APFA Health, IOD, and Safety & Security departments have developed an updated “Responding to Fume Events” lanyard card which included guidelines for Flight Attendants to follow when a suspected fume event occurs.

The new lanyard cards have been mailed to your home. If you have not received your card, please contact the APFA Membership Department at 817-540-0108, ext. 8153 or [email protected], to verify that APFA has your correct mailing address on file. You may also update your mailing address at

Please place the new lanyard card on your ID lanyard and/or have it accessible on your person at all times while working on the aircraft.

Michael Tipton, APFA National Health Chair, [email protected]
Bellia Peckson, APFA National IOD Chair, [email protected]
– Jeffrey Ewing, APFA National  Safety & Security Chair, [email protected]

As your new Hotel Chair, my first hotel review is complete. Hotel Committee Representative Tobias Baker and I reviewed the Boston short layover property. I came away from the review with a better understanding of Flight Attendants’ needs and expectations in regard to layover accommodations.

I wish all problems could be solved with a couple emails and/or calls; however, your reports and feedback make a difference. A good example of using your reports for change is the feedback we received about an unsafe pick-up location at the Santiago Airport (SCL). As a direct result, effective immediately, Sotrul transportation will pick up all crewmembers on the 3rd floor.

Your APFA Hotel/Transportation Committee will continually strive to improve your layover experience.

Julia Simpson, APFA National Hotel Chair, [email protected]

Electronic Trade Board (ETB) – Helpful Hint:

Please be mindful when accepting a trade request that it is a trade you want. Sometimes, there are requests for one of your trips you DON’T have listed in ETB. When signing into Crew Portal, you will see a pop-up box stating “You have new trades” if you have pending trade requests. When you select My Transactions, it will take you to the pending requests. Read over the trade requests very carefully before hitting accept or decline so you don’t inadvertently accept a trade that you were not asking for. If you click OK, it simply takes you back to Crew Portal.

As a reminder, you can block unsolicited trade requests by using the Not Accepting Trade Request feature which is equivalent to a “do not disturb” sign for that trip. To do this, simply click on the date of a sequence from the calendar and choose “Not Accepting Trade Request”.

Becky Lydecker, APFA National Scheduling Chair, [email protected]

Contact your Senators – FAA Reauthorization Bill

In April, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed an FAA Reauthorization Bill that included many provisions beneficial to Flight Attendants. In the coming weeks, we anticipate that the Senate may take up their version of the FAA Reauthorization Bill. Nowis the time to make sure your Senators keep the provisions that are important to Flight Attendants. The bill includes some of the issues we pushed hard for during our lobby day in April. As the Senate develops their bill this month with input from stakeholders, please send a letter to your Senators to let them know how important it is that they include language that addresses the following aviation safety issues:

  • Examining Cabin Evacuation Certification (Rep. Cohen’s SEAT Act)
  • Establishing Standards for Emotional Support Animals
  • Keeping Cabin Air Safe with the Cabin Air Quality Act
  • Protecting U.S. Aviation Jobs from Outsourcing (“Flags of Convenience”)
  • Reinforcing the Ban on Voice Calls on Planes
  • Safe Transport of Lithium Batteries
  • Required Notification of Insecticide Use
  • Banning Electronic Cigarette Smoking on Planes
  • 10 Hours Minimum Rest and Fatigue Risk Management Plan

– Allie Malis, APFA National Government Affairs Representative, [email protected]

In this week’s Unity Pays Podcast, Alin & Linda discuss JCBA Section 10.P. (Last Live Leg) and how it can work for you.
Previous podcasts are accessible on the JCBA Hot Topics Page on the APFA website or you can subscribe by going to APFA Unity Pays Podcast.- Alin Boswell, Julie Hedrick, Linda Haertling, Vicki Balistreri, APFA Joint Scheduling Implementation Committee, [email protected]

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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