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1.22.19 – SBA Update

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

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SBA Update:

In the last SBA update, my department was in the process of scheduling and hearing Pre-Arbitration Conferences for our outstanding grievances, appointing Arbitrators to our 2019 Arbitrator Panel, and scheduling dates for the arbitration.  Our last Pre-Arbitration Conference was scheduled for January 15th, so I would like to give a brief summary and disposition of each Presidential Grievance to date:

  • Attendance & Performance Policy – this case involves the egregious changes to our new Attendance & Performance Policy.  Please continue to contact your Base President/Base Vice President with attendance occurrences/events and provide documentation of Attendance Letters issued for levels of discipline.  This documentation will be helpful for arbitration. Pre-Arbitration conference held November 12th, 2018.  No movement.  Status:  Was Scheduled for Arbitration – February 26th and 27th, 2019 – Company postponed.  Currently requesting a meeting with the arbitrator to discuss
  • Recognition & Scope – Section 1.B, 2. – this case involves Flight Service Managers performing or assisting with our Flight Attendant duties on board the aircraft, whose names do not appear on the current Flight Attendant System Seniority List.  Additionally, Upper management has expressed a desire to violate this portion of our contract by flying a trip or portion of a trip, in an effort  to discuss issues with our Flight Attendants.  The company proffered mediation on September 25th, with a follow-up mediation on December 12th.  The union’s stance remained the same. Cease and Desist. Our jumpseat is not up for sale! This is our job, our jumpseat, and our livelihood.  It is NOT a venue to negotiate directly with our Flight Attendants during negotiations, nor can we allow those not on our seniority list to bump commuters/Flight Attendants by taking our jumpseat.  Management could not possibly understand our issues by flying a couple of hand-picked trips per year.  Status:  Scheduled for Arbitration – April 24th, and 25th, 2019.
  • A-3 Deadhead – JCBA Section 16.H.3 – this case involves the company’s failure to provide positive space travel in the form of A-3 status, for those Flight Attendants who choose to deadhead to their commuter city. Pre-Arbitration Conference held November 12th, 2019.  No movement.  Status:  Scheduled for Arbitration – May 2nd and 3rd, 2019.
  • Phased Approach to Pay Protection/Elimination of Available Days – this case involves the company’s unilateral decision to implement portions of pay protection in phases, instead of implementing it as a whole.  This phased approach also resulted in the company prematurely eliminated available days for the LAA Flight Attendants. Pre-Arbitration Conference held December 4th, with a follow-up to be scheduled soon.  Discussions are on-going.  Status:  Scheduling for Arbitration – Currently looking for dates in October.
  • Implementation of ROTA/ROTD – this case involves the company’s failure to deliver a system capable of properly processing ROTA/ROTD.  Please continue to send your issues to [email protected] . While we continue to resolve pay issues, processing issues, etc., the company still has not delivered systems  that were negotiated.  Pre-Arbitration conference held November 6th with a follow-up on December 4th, 2019. The parties identified programming issues/glitches that have been resolved/unresolved. Discussions are on-going. Status:  Scheduling for Arbitration – Currently looking for dates in June or August.
  • Implementation of TTS/ETB/UBL – this case involves the company’s failure to deliver a system capable of properly processing TTS/ETB/UBL.  Please continue to send your issues to [email protected] . While we continue to resolve pay issues, processing issues, etc., the company is still not delivering the systems that were negotiated.  Pre-Arbitration conference held November 6th with a follow-up on December 4th, 2019. The parties identified programming issues/glitches that have been resolved/unresolved. Discussions are on-going.  Status:  Scheduling for Arbitration – Currently looking for dates in June or August.
  • Early Boarding – JCBA Sections 11.M and 14.F – this case involves the company’s continued violation of allowing passengers to board the aircraft prior to contractual boarding times. Please continue to send all violations to [email protected]  Pre-Arbitration Conference was scheduled for January 15th, 2019. Discussions are ongoing.  Status:  Scheduling for Arbitration – Currently looking for dates in September.
  • Crew Accommodations – JCBA Section 6.A.1. and 2. – this case involves the company’s failure to adhere to the process provided in our contract when reviewing, selecting, and discussing Crew Accommodations (hotels).  Pre-Arbitration Conference was held December 12th, 2018.  Discussions are ongoing.  Status:  Scheduling for Arbitration – Currently looking for dates in December.

** Please note: January, March, and July have termination cases scheduled for arbitration**

Per JCBA Section 31.J., a panel of eleven (11) arbitrators were selected and confirmed, on December 10th, 2018 to be appointed to the above cases.

The SBA Department has also schedule Quarterly System Board Arbitrations (QSBs) quarterly for 2019, per JCBA Section 31. Quarterly System Board Arbitrations are when a number of issues are heard beginning at 9:00 am Day 1, and continue thru the 2nd day until the docket is complete.  These are base issues that were not resolved and elevated to a national level. The next QSBs are scheduled for February 12th, and 13th, 2019, and we currently have 3 cases going forward:  Vacancy transfers, bidding information, and crew pays issue.   Additional QSB Arbitration dates for 2019 are:  May 20th, 2019, August 7th and 8th, 2019, and December 18th and 19th, 2019.

I will continue to update you with dates and issues going forward to arbitration, and any issues resolved prior to arbitration.  Please keep in mind, all members in good standing are welcome to attend arbitrations and view the process.

In Unity,

Liz Geiss
APFA National Vice President
[email protected]

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