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5.19.19 – Modified RAPs Q&A

Sunday, May 19, 2019

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Modified RAPs and the recent Company Communication


On Friday, May 17 the Company sent out a communication regarding the process for modified RAPs that contained some errors.  We spoke to the Company and they will be sending out a revised communication with the correct process.  Below are some Q&A’s about modified RAPs:


Q. What is a modified RAP? 

A. When you are released from a sequence you will have at least the contractual 12 hours rest before you can be assigned a RAP.  If you are not legal for a full RAP, you can request a modified start time to your RAP.

Q. If I am not legal for a full RAP, how can I bid for a modified RAP?

A. If you would like a modified RAP, bid like you normally would for any full RAP in the future bid section.  A RAP will be modified based on the release time of your previous sequence plus applicable home based rest (HBR).


Q. Can I be assigned a modified RAP?

A. No, if you have not bid for a ROTA future RAP, you cannot be assigned a modified RAP. If you have not bid or have a standing bid for a RAP, they will not be considered a bid for a modified RAP.


Q. If I don’t bid but am legal for a full RAP will I be assigned a RAP? 

A. Yes, you can be assigned a full RAP for which you are legal.


Q. If I bid for RAP A with a daily bid but I am not legal for a full RAP A, what will I be assigned?

A. You will be assigned a full RAP that you are legal for. Your bid for RAP A is a request for that RAP.  Crew Scheduling may agree to award RAP A with a modified start time.

  • Example:  FA has a daily bid for RAPs A, B, D, C. RAP A begins at 0200 however, FA’s rest does not end until 0400.  Crew Scheduling may award you RAP A with a modified start time of 0401 or the full RAP B.

Q. If I bid for a RAP and am not legal for any full RAP’s, what will be the start time of the modified RAP?

A. The start time will be the point that you become legal at the end of your rest.
Example: If you are released from your sequence at 0600 but have placed a bid in ROTA and the last available RAP is from 1400 – 0200 that day, your modified RAP would be from 1800 (following 12 hours home rest) until 0200.


Q. If I’m not legal for a full RAP and do not request a modified RAP, what happens? 

A. You cannot be assigned a modified RAP if you did not bid for a RAP in your daily bids. You will not be assigned a RAP and do not need to remain contactable to crew scheduling.

Q. I was awarded a full legal RAP and I am no longer legal for the full RAP due to actual operations, scheduled rest, or rescheduling, what happens?

A.  If you have already been awarded or assigned a RAP, Crew Scheduling will adjust the start time of the RAP without contacting the FA.  You may call to request assignment to a later full RAP and Crew Schedule will move you to the next full RAP.


Q. If I will no longer be legal for RAP D due to actual operations, scheduled rest, or rescheduling, what happens?

A.  If you become illegal for the full Rap D due to the above situations, Crew Schedule will remove you from the RAP.


  • Notes: You are required to review and acknowledge all assignments/awards one hour after release from your first sequence and no later than the original start time of your RAP.  If you have not confirmed by the original start of your RAP, Crew Scheduling will call and you will have 15 minutes to confirm. If there is still no acknowledgement of the assignment after 15 minutes, you will be given a missed trip by Crew Scheduling.


Q. If I was assigned a sequence on my RAP tomorrow, and am no longer legal, what happens?

A. If you are no longer legal for your start of your RAP and were already assigned a sequence or standby shift within that RAP, you will not be removed from that assignment unless requested. You can request to be removed from the sequence or standby for contractual rest, if applicable.  However you won’t be pay protected for the sequence.  You may call to request assignment to a later full RAP and Crew Schedule will move you to the next full RAP.

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Euless, Texas 76040

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
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