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12.24.20 – Furloughed Flight Attendant Recall Information: Q&A – Part I

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Furloughed Flight Attendant Recall Information: Q&A – Part I

By now, you have received the exciting news that Congress has passed Payroll Support Protection (PSP) legislation and American has announced plans to recall all 7,895 furloughed Flight Attendants. Here are some essential FAQs to review as you head into the holidays.

This is a two-step process. Use the first form below to accept recall or resign from American, and the second form to bid for your base assignments:

You may find the form to accept recall or resign from American here.

You may find the ballot to bid for your bases here.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Keep an eye out for a soon-to-be scheduled virtual Recall Townhall to answer any questions or concerns you have about the recall process.

Recall Process

1. How will I gain access to my recall information? 
You will be given instructions on how to accept your recall or resign from American via an electronic ballot. Instructions will be provided in the letter you will receive and in an email sent to the address you provided to American. If you fail to notify American of your intent by the deadline of January 4th, 2021, that is considered a resignation.

2. What if I haven’t received my letter or email?
You will need to email [email protected] no later than January 3rd, 2021, to ensure your ballot is submitted by January 4th, 2021.

3. Where do I go to find more information about my recall?

4. I received my recall notice; what are my options?
You will have the option to accept your recall or resign from American. Because the PSP legislation requires the recall of all furloughed Flight Attendants, there is no option to pass, as there will be no junior Flight Attendants on the furlough list.

5. What if I was awarded an EVLOA at the time of furlough?
You can choose to accept your EVLOA or return to active status by making your choice on your form when accepting recall. If you decide to accept your EVLOA, your pay and benefits will be in accordance with your original EVLOA.

6. How long do I have to make my decision?
You have until January 4th, 2021, at 2359 CST. The company will read the last ballot submitted as your final request.

7. Will I be recalled to my previous base?
You will submit an electronic ballot that will rank your base preferences. If your base, as of October 1, 2020, is your preferred base, you need to rank that first. Make sure to rank all bases provided in the event you cannot be granted your first base preference. When accepting recall, you must be willing to accept a new base assignment if necessary.

**NOTE** If you were awarded a transfer on October 1, 2020, that is considered your current base for bidding purposes.

8. When will I know where I’ll be based after submitting my ballot?
Base assignments will be posted on January 8th, 2021.

9. How do I access my AA email now?
It will take approximately 48 hours for your AA email to be reactivated. The link may be found here.


10. What happens if I was on medical leave at the time of furlough?
If you accept recall, you will be placed back on your medical leave if the leave ended or you need to apply for another leave after December 1, 2020.  If your leave ended prior to December 1, you would need to resubmit paperwork to continue your medical leave. Please submit new leave requests to [email protected].

11. What If my circumstances prevent me from returning immediately? 
If your circumstances prevent you from returning immediately, you will need to accept recall and bid for a base, and apply for a personal leave of absence by January 4, 2021. The personal leave of absence (PLOA) will start on December 1, 2020, as specified in JCBA Section 25.A.1. PLOAs can vary in duration but may not exceed 180 days. If you are awarded a PLOA, you will stop accruing pay and vacation increases, and you will lose travel privileges and medical benefits for the duration of the leave. Please take all of this into consideration when requesting a PLOA. You can find the PLOA form by clicking on Team Member Services, Leaves and Returns, Flight Attendant Leave Request Form, Forms (on the right side) and Personal Leaves.  Follow the instructions on the form and also let [email protected] know of your intention.

12. What if I’m enrolled in an educational program at the time of recall?
You may choose to accept recall and be placed on a personal leave and return to work after the current semester, according to JCBA Section 23.D.1.a. You will need to notify [email protected] to let them know of your need for a personal leave. Personal Leaves are unpaid. Seniority Accrual and benefits will be as specified in JCBA Section 25.N.

13. What if I took a job at American but outside of flight service?
Once you accept recall, you can continue your new job at American. You will then email [email protected] to let them know you intend to return to flying or remain at your current position. If you are in a non-seniority accruing position, you will have one year (365 days) from December 1st, 2020, to return to the Flight Attendant position, or you will be removed from the seniority list.

14. What if I signed an employment contract with another job?
Once you accept recall, you will notify [email protected] to request a personal leave until your contract is fulfilled. If you submitted your contract to American before accepting recall, you would be granted the personal leave in accordance with JCBA Section 23.D.1.a. Your status will be changed to personal leave, which will be unpaid. Seniority and other benefits will be in accordance with JCBA Section 25.N.

15. Will additional EVLOAs, STLOAs or PVLOAs be offered?
Not at this time.

Pay and Benefits

16. When do I go back on the payroll?
You will be back on payroll effective December 1st, 2020.

17. When will I receive my first paycheck?
Your first paycheck will be sent on December 24th, 2020, for 35 hours at your JCBA applicable pay rate. Moving forward, you will be paid 35 hours on the 15th and the 30th of every month until you receive a schedule.

18. When do my benefits start?
Your benefits will be retroactive to December 1st, 2020.

19. Where may I send benefits questions?
Please contact the benefits department here.

20. When will my classification and pay seniority start?
Your pay and vacation seniority will snap back and accrue as if you were never furloughed on October 1st, 2020.

21. What if I was on an attendance level when I was furloughed?
The duration of your discipline will be extended by the number of days you were furloughed.


22. When will my D2 status be restored?
Your D2 status was reactivated on December 23, 2020.


23. What happens if my qualifications expired (QI)?
You will need to attend training in January or February to update your qualifications. The training support desk will reach out to assist you.

24. What if I am going into my base/grace month for training?
Once you have been fingerprinted and completed any other necessary paperwork, you will be contacted to start the training process as soon as January. Priority will be given to Flight Attendants who have expired qualifications (QI) or are in their grace month in January or February.

25. How will I get to training?
You will be provided positive space travel to and from training from your base or commuter city.

26. Will there be any other required training if my qualifications are current?
There will be one web-based training (WBT) module to complete before your return to service.

27. What if I have other training questions?
You will need to email [email protected] with your questions.

Equipment/Return to Work

28. How do I get my tablet, ID, and other required equipment?
You will schedule a time to go to the base where you returned your equipment to pick up all of your required items.

29. Can I request to pick up my equipment at my new base?

30. How and when will I be fingerprinted? Will I be paid for fingerprinting?
You will be emailed by Talent Services to set up your fingerprinting appointment. You will not receive pay for fingerprinting.

31. When will I be able to bid and return to the line?
The earliest anyone will be available to bid will be in February for the March bid month. The earliest you would return to the line is March 2nd, 2021.

32. Will I be on reserve?
You will be reserve eligible for your first month back to flying. You may use the LRD to try to bid off reserve.

33. What happens to my sick time?
Sick time will be restored to the balance you accrued as of October 1st, 2020, and you will accrue sick time from December 1st, 2020 onward.

34. What happens to my dependability/attendance banked points?
They will be restored to the balance you had on October 1st, 2020. You are not eligible to earn banked points until you return to the line.

35. Do I need to reapply for FMLA?
No. You only need to reapply for FMLA if it has expired.

36. Does furlough pay count towards FMLA eligibility?
Yes. Whether or not an airline flight crew employee meets the FMLA hours of service requirement is determined by assessing the number of hours the employee has worked or been paid over the previous 12 months. The minimum hour requirement does not include personal commute time or time spent on vacation, medical, or sick leave. However, wages from furlough pay are not exempted.

In Solidarity,

Brian Walsh
APFA National Contract Chair

[email protected]

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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