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7.08.21 – APFA PHX Base Brief – August 2021 Allocations

Thursday, July 8, 2021

August 2021 Allocations

On Saturday, July 3rd, the monthly staffing call with AA Crew Planning took place with APFA. In attendance for PHX were members of the APFA PHX Scheduling Committee:


We discussed the available headcount and number/percentage of required Reserves. PHX was given the opportunity to speak after nine other bases, and once again, CLT is the only base with a higher percentage of Reserves than PHX. When PHX was called to speak, Scott Barnes questioned the high number of Reserves. The Company once again reiterated that historical data was used to determine the percentage of Reserves and our high percentage of sick calls. At that point, we spoke up and reminded the Company that historical data could not be utilized when projecting the number of Reserves that would be needed in PHX for August.

The “historical data” the Company uses is based on August of 2019. Since then, our headcounts have been obliterated due to displacements. Also, the number of active Flight Attendants we currently have is less than 50% of what our numbers were in August of 2019. This makes it abundantly clear that trying to forecast off the 2019 numbers is impossible. The Company’s data is skewed and cannot possibly give a clear picture of what is currently required for our base today.

As for the sick calls, we have been looking at the daily reports, and PHX is not the highest base in sick calls. Most days, there are four to five bases with higher percentage numbers. We cannot stress enough that we continue to reinforce that the Company made a huge mistake when they displaced 468 PHX Base Flight Attendants. We continue to reiterate this message on every call with the Company.

For August, the preliminary numbers for the allocations call for PHX were:

  • 849 Total Active Flight Attendants
  • 643 Lineholders
  • 206 Reserves (24.3%)


However, when the LRD opened later that day, it was discovered that the number of Reserves had increased to 210 for August.

On Monday, July 5th, we had the allocations call. On this call, we discussed the sequence construction, type of trips (i.e., number of 1-,2-,3- and 4-day sequences, ODANs, red eyes, etc.), any contractual violations, the length of duty day, and overnights. Robin Agee, PHX Base President, spoke for PHX. During this call, we questioned if the planning department, when building sequences, uses a single solution, or makes the changes base by base, using our requests to build the sequences. (Thank you, Scott Barnes, for sending me that question). We were told it is a single solution. This explains why we continue to see some of the sequence types requested to be changed month after month.

On a positive note, our 1-day trips increased by 5%, and our 4-days decreased by 1%. We did notice one PHL turn day and a few DTW turns. We did ask if we would see more of the PHL/JFK turns with the change in flying after August 17th. There is a possibility we may see those return to PHX in the fall. While we requested more ODANs, the increase was only .10 % for August, from 2.60% to 2.70%. However, we continue to stress the appetite for more ODANs and 1-leg/1-leg high credit turns, and 2-day trips.

With a schedule pull-down occurring on August 17th, the flying will be heavier at the beginning of the month. Please bid accordingly. Contractually PBS must distribute any open time evenly throughout the month. This may cause an allowed maximum credit in the last half of the month. Similar logic is used when flying is heavier at the end of a holiday month, such as December.

Remaining August Bidding Timelines

Check Your HI10M on mobileCCI

We are still receiving quite a few reports from Flight Attendants that they have late reports on their lines that are in error. We know that we have put this in the last two base briefs. However, we are still seeing these late reports that should not be on Flight Attendants’ lines. Please remember, whenever you are on Reserve, check your dashboard and your HI1 for any late report (LR) designation. When you are assigned a sequence with less than 2 hours to schedule report, but within 2 hours of departure, the computer system will automatically assign an LR to your line if you check-in after the scheduled report time of the sequence. We know that Crew Scheduling should send a communication to your FSM and have them remove the LR; however, as we know, errors can happen, especially when dealing with an irregular operation. If you notice you have an LR and you reported to your sequence within the 2-hour report window, email your FSM and ask them to remove the late report.Remember, this is your line, and you are responsible for ensuring that your pay, hours, and any irregularities are addressed promptly. Please continue to check your HI10M for irregularities and discuss with your FSM. The time to resolve these issues is not when you are given disciplinary action.

CLT Hosted Reserve Class

On Saturday, June 26th, APFA CLT Base President Scott Hazlewood invited the PHX- and DFW- based Flight Attendants to join them in a Reserve class taught by Charles Starks. We had 10 FAs attend the class. A special thanks to Scott, Charles and CLT Base VP, Frank Cagle, for the invitation and the great class. We will be asking Scott to include PHX in any future classes CLT schedules. We can honestly tell you if you are not well-versed in how our Reserve system works, this was the best 4 hours spent on a Saturday. Thank you again to our friends in CLT for including us in this educational class.

Airport Standby

As a reminder, per JCBA Section 12.F.17.:“A Standby must be available for immediate contact and assignment while on Standby duty but is not required to be in the Standby room.”

Flight Attendants sitting Airport Standby do not have 15 minutes to call Crew Scheduling back  as we do on a RAP.  Not answering your phone, or immediately calling back, could lead to a missed trip.

PHX Base Meeting

As a reminder, your APFA PHX Base Representatives will be hosting a Virtual Phoenix Town Hall on Wednesday, July 14th at 11:00am (MST). An agenda will be available closer to the meeting. An invitation will be sent to all PHX Base Flight Attendants in the next few days with the access link to the virtual base meeting/town hall.

Employee Parking Reimbursement

Do you currently pay out-of-pocket to park at East Economy, Terminal 4 or at another daily parking lot? Do you plan to submit receipts for reimbursement for up to the $60 monthly maximum for parking? If so, beginning in August, your PHX parking card must be returned to the Crew Service Center no later than Friday, July 23. Please contact Marie Kiszczak at 480-693-2935 or at [email protected] with any additional questions.Many Flight Attendants have expressed that they only want to park in East Economy, or other covered parking, until the heat subsides. The City of Phoenix requests employees to return their parking card, since American Airlines will no longer pay for your City of Phoenix parking when reimbursing you up to the maximum of $60 a month for PHX parking.

Please Note: The PHX Sky Train will not run during the hours of 10pm until 5am from July 11-31. An airport shuttle will be in service. The City of PHX has advised the shuttle will run approximately every 10-15 minutes. Click Here for the City of PHX construction updates.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the parking office at 602-683-3615 or send an email to [email protected].

Minimum Crew

As a reminder, if you are part of the working crew and you step off the airplane at any time while passengers are on the aircraft, including deadheading crew members and FSMs on QARs, for anything other than safety-related duties, that is a violation of minimum crew. If this occurs, please fill out an ASAP within 24 hours of the incident. Should you be unsure if the reason you stepped off was considered “safety-related,” fill out an ASAP. If you have any questions, please call APFA PHX at 800-595-1471, Ext 0.

APFA PHX Phone Number

  • Ext. 1 – National Office and Contract & Scheduling Desk
  • Ext. 2 – PHX Base President Robin Agee
  • Ext. 3 – PHX Base Vice President Secorra Flowers
  • Ext. 4 – Mandatory Meeting Representation
  • Ext. 5 – Medical and Injury on Duty
  • Ext. 6 – Reserves
  • Ext. 0 – General Questions


PHX Base Council Representatives (BCRs)


The APFA Contract and Scheduling Desk is available at 817-540-0108, Monday through Friday from 0700 – 1900 (CDT) to answer questions. Our APFA Live Chat online is available from 1500 – 2300 (CDT), Monday through Friday. You may also use APFA Live Chat on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, from 0900 – 1700 (CDT). The live chat link may be found on the home page of

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

In Solidarity,

Robin Agee
APFA PHX Base President

[email protected]

Secorra Flowers
APFA PHX Base Vice President

[email protected]

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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