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10.27.21 – Active Flight Attendant Legislation in Washington

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Active Flight Attendant Legislation in Washington

PUMP Act (H.R. 3110) Passes the House

The House of Representatives passed the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (H.R. 3110) by a significant bipartisan majority. The legislation guarantees working moms (including Flight Attendants and Pilots) the right to pump at work. Thank you for calling your Representatives!

Flight Attendants’ data about pumping on the job helped ensure that Flight Attendants are included in this legislation for nursing mothers in the workplace. The bill now moves to the Senate, and your help will continue to be needed. Keep an eye out for more information!

For the health and safety of mothers and their babies, all working moms who want to breastfeed must have the time and space to pump breastmilk. These employees and their families suffer when these basic rights aren’t met. Without these protections, nursing mothers face serious health consequences, including risk of painful illness and infection, diminished milk supply, and the inability to continue breastfeeding. All working moms should be guaranteed the workplace protections to breastfeed if they want to, and no new mother should be forced to choose between breastfeeding and earning a paycheck,” Representative Carolyn Maloney (NY-12) said.

Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act
(H.R. 5706)

APFA recognizes and thanks Chairman DeFazio for reintroducing a bill that addresses sexual assault and harassment incidents in multiple modes of transportation.

“When it comes to the transportation of people, safety must always come first, and that includes protecting people from sexual harassment and assault,” Chair DeFazio said. “With this legislation, we can make important strides toward adequately training personnel, establishing formal policies against sexual assault and harassment, and facilitating the reporting of these incidents. In addition, my bill would help the public understand the scope of this problem by establishing the first-ever federal clearinghouse for transportation-related sexual assault and harassment data. I look forward to working with my colleagues to get this legislation signed into law so we can help stop sexual violence and abuse on our roads, on our waters, on our trains, and in our skies.”

“APFA commends Representative Peter DeFazio (OR-4) for reintroducing the Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act which seeks to deter inappropriate behavior directed at Flight Attendants and other transportation workers. It is unacceptable that in 2021 Flight Attendants are still encountering harassment and violence at work. This bill will help ensure passenger’s expectations for behavior are clear, and violators face strong penalties for sexual assault and harassment. Amidst the recent surge of incidents involving unruly passengers, the need to pass this legislation is not only imperative, but also commonsense: Flight Attendants must be protected in our workplace. Thank you, Representative DeFazio, for standing up for transportation workers,” Julie Hedrick, APFA National President, said.

Build Back Better Act

Congress continues to work out the details of the Build Back Better Act. However, it is important to note there are numerous provisions that benefit Flight Attendants.

  • Expands Labor Rights: removes obstacles to organizing unions and negotiating contracts:
    • Creates financial penalties for employers who retaliate against organizing.
    • Bans mandatory anti-union meetings.
    • Charges executives (civil penalties) who break labor laws so that corporate leaders have real consequences for union busting and violating workers’ rights.
    • Stops companies from retaliating against workers who exercise their right to strike.
  • Expands the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to provide every worker with up to 4 weeks of comprehensive, paid leave whether caring for themselves or a loved one.
  • Makes union dues tax deductible for all workers again.
  • Taxes Wall Street by taxing stock buybacks.
  • Adds dental, vision, and hearing care to Medicare.


Your Senators and Representatives should hear your input. Make a quick call TODAY through the Capitol switchboard and tell your elected officials to pass pro-worker legislation: 202-224-3121.

Example Script:Dear Representative/Senator _____, I am a constituent and a Flight Attendant. It’s time to pass the bills that give us the infrastructure we need all over our economy with living wage jobs and basic rights for everyday people. We need this legislation to protect workers’ rights to join a union, paid family leave to care for ourselves and our loved ones, restore union dues deduction for everyday people, tax Wall Street stock buybacks and expand Medicare to include vision, dental and hearing protection. Invest in everyday people and pass the American Jobs Act and the Build Back Better Act with these protections. Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Allie Malis
APFA Government Affairs Representative

Lori Glattly
APFA Government Affairs Representative

[email protected]

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