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11.24.21 – APFA LGA Base Brief – Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Flight Attendant Assaults

Your CERS reports continue to be important tools for documenting assaults onboard our aircraft as well as while on duty. We don’t need to wait for another assault to discuss this topic. Enough flight attendants have been assaulted to remind us that we cannot stop until we get Congress to pass legislation to hold offenders fully accountable under the law. Please be as explicit as possible when reporting negative customer interactions; this is extremely important and not the time to worry about how using profanity in your documentation may seem to you. We want to get the attention of not only the Company, but lawmakers who might read these reports. Please be mindful of APFA hotlines from our Government Affairs department and call to action when the time comes. If you want to volunteer your time to help this department, you can email [email protected].

Staffing Levels

This issue is one that APFA has already filed a presidential grievance on, and we need you to do your part and report all staffing issues by completing a Staffing Levels Report. This helps APFA gather information to make a strong case for our presidential grievance. We also encourage you to email the vice president of Flight Service at [email protected] and let him know how this affects you. The company has arbitrarily used the pandemic to create a concession by not returning staffing levels to pre-pandemic levels, while returning all cabin duties and responsibilities to pre-pandemic levels. We need your reports. Venting on social media is okay, provided you follow the social media policy. However, it’s not a substitute for completing a staffing report. Check out the APFA National Vice President’s Town Hall. APFA National Vice President Larry Salas provides insight into what’s acceptable and what to avoid on social media. Rest assured, I will not stop fighting for this wrong to be made right.

Holiday Peak Payments

APFA negotiated flight attendant incentives to acknowledge your sacrifices over the past two years, and there continue to be questions regarding the details. We have a unique dynamic here in NY due to the DEL departure time change and the flight attendant’s ability to either remain on their pairing with an earlier report or be removed with pay protections outlined in the JCBA. Please remember that the perfect attendance incentive goes all the way through January 2, 2022. If you have questions or concerns about a specific situation, please reach out to us via email to clarify any confusion you may have. Penelope and I are grateful that flight attendants are finally recognized for our hard work during one of the most challenging times of the year, and we look forward to other ways management can help improve morale.

LGA Airport Move to New Facility

On December 17, 2021, we will occupy our new facility in the newly built section of terminal B. The move is a long overdue improvement for those of us that remember the days of the loud air-conditioning units and leaks in the ceilings, to mention just a few. In my discussions with local management, I have asked them to communicate information as soon as possible, so please keep checking your CCI messages for any updates. Contact information for the LGA MOD is expected to remain the same 718-476-4320. Please remember that the LGA luggage room will be closing on December 6, 2021. Management will donate any items found after December 6th.

Boeing 787 Aircraft Qualifications

Many of you have asked me about the arrival of the 787 in NYC. Much decision-making and planning are currently going on as the airline recovers from the COVID reduction of flights. In New York, we have grown fast and big, with IPD flying we have not seen in a while. It is safe to bet on the 787 coming to the base any given month. Getting qualified is a very personal decision, so I won’t tell you what to do, still, I will tell you that if you are concerned about having flexibility regarding your flying, this widebody is one you may want to consider. Any information I get, I will pass on.

COVID Restrictions Abroad

I continue to revisit this topic with management, hoping that some of our IPD destinations will ease the restrictions. The COVID restrictions are at the discretion of local governments. Not adhering to these restrictions can cost the crew member fines and the airline the loss of rights to fly into the destination. The Destination section of Comply365 continues to be updated with the latest information. If you ever have any concerns, you can reach out to the local MOD or one of the reps.

Attendance Meetings

If your AFSM (Attendance Flight Service Manager) contacts you to set up a meeting about an attendance issue, please take note of the following. Your local APFA representatives are available to you for counsel. We do not solicit representation unless there are specific circumstances. We work with the AFSM to ensure that our schedules allow you to have representation if you request it. It is your responsibility to speak to the representative of your choice and respond to your AFSM, acknowledging their request. Management has a right to hold you responsible for responding promptly, although it is understandable that sometimes a hectic work schedule may make this problematic. When in doubt, please always reach out to one of us to clarify any confusion or answer any questions. Management has advised me that they will begin to enforce the process for when a flight attendant does not respond to the AFSM promptly. I have reviewed this process, and it is reasonable. I know that sometimes these meetings sound intimidating, but when you have representation with you, you should feel confident that your contract, rights, and due process, will all be protected.

Scheduling System Misawards

When you submit a ballot for a pairing that you feel was misawarded, your first step should be to file a Direct Connect claim. You have 96 hours to do this from when the run in question happened. The APFA JCBA specialist put out a detailed hotline explaining the next steps. You can access that hotline by clicking here.

We cannot file a Direct Connect claim on your behalf. Instead, we handle circumstances where you have operational issues that merit compensation outside of what’s contractual or if you do not receive contractual compensation. We receive a steady stream of pay claim-related emails, so it may take us some time to respond. Since the 96-hour window is short, it means you must file a misaward claim promptly.

Reserve Out of Base

When you are on reserve and assigned a RAP, you must serve the entire duration of your RAP at base. Although the commuter policy recognizes commuters, the start of your RAP assignment is when the company expects you to be within 3 hours from a co-terminal. We continue to see instances where a flight attendant calls in sick after receiving an assignment. The company investigates the travel record to determine if the flight attendant was in transit or even at base altogether. Management can also access your travel records on other airlines when you use non-revenue privileges. The consequence for this is severe, and we ask that you please avoid a situation where you are not in base when serving any part of your RAP assignments.

2022 Benefits

Please remember to log on to Jetnet and visit your Benefits Center section. Some benefits require a follow-up with documents and/or medical examinations. If you have questions, you can always reach out to the benefits department for clarification. Their number is 1-800-447-2000.

Uniform Dollars for 2021

Any uniform dollars you do not use in 2021 are rolled over to 2022. You do not need to hurry and order uniforms; however, with new hire classes going on for the next year or so, you may want to consider ordering any pieces you may need soon. Please remember that luggage replacement every three years is contractual.

Contacting Officers

The best way to contact Penelope or myself is via our official APFA emails. We do not use company email to conduct Union business, and we do not check Facebook messenger for Union business. If you send us a message via either of these, you may not get a response, or if you do, it may not be in a timely manner. We want to ensure we assist you with your needs as soon as possible. Please use our official emails and contact numbers for communication.

APFA Live Messaging

APFA Live Messaging is a resource that is very important to have. When you have contract and scheduling questions, APFA Representatives can answer these questions or direct you in the right direction. They are available on weekends and holidays as well. You can access the live chat via*

To begin a conversation with a rep, text your question to (817) 540-0108
*By texting into us you are opting in to receiving text updates from the Contract & Scheduling Departments. Please let the chat rep know if you would like to be removed from our mailing list.

Click the images below to initiate a message using the various methods provided.


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To begin a conversation from an Apple device (iOS version 11.3 or later)


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Happy Thanksgiving

As we embark upon the holiday travel season, I am grateful for all that the members of our flight attendant community and base have done to help us get through one of the most trying times in our industry. The pandemic has shown how resilient and resourceful flight attendants are and I am proud to count myself among the best in the industry and, for those of us who call LGA our home base, amongst the best in our company. Whether you are home for Thanksgiving or out taking care of our customers, be safe, be well, and look after each other. ~ Penelope King

I am proud to represent the most resilient, diverse, and hard-working base in the system. When I took office, this base was much smaller, forgotten, and simple things like a safe parking lot were forgotten. Today we have a larger, stronger base, with a lot of optimism, despite all the challenges we face. Together, in Solidarity, we will move forward. There has never been a more important time to care about one another, honestly. Thank You for the opportunity to serve each of you; it is an honor. Wherever you spend Thanksgiving, I wish you a wonderful one. Thank you. ~ Christian M. Santana

In Solidarity,

Christian M. Santana
APFA LGA Base President
[email protected]
(347) 546-0703

Penelope King
APFA LGA Base Vice President

[email protected]
(718) 350-7043

Proud to Represent New York-LGA

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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