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11.10.22 – Negotiations Update #19

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Negotiations Update #19

Negotiations continued in DFW on October 11th and October 18th-20th. During these sessions, the company and APFA exchanged updated proposals on Section 10- Scheduling. APFA also passed our opening proposal on Section 12 – Reserve. Due to the complexity of these two large sections, we are proposing them in phases. In addition to the details provided below, you may view status updates for all the opened sections on the Negotiations Status page of the APFA website.

Section 10 – Scheduling 

The passes between APFA and the company during these sessions were often short, as our pass was mainly holding firm from our previously rejected proposal. The company did open subsections 10.J (Rescheduling), 10.K (Illegal Through No Fault), and 10.L (Last Sequence/Last Series). The last few years have highlighted how very important these three subsections are with the 737 MAX issues, COVID-19 cancelations, and the many weather and general system woes that we all too commonly face.

The latest Scheduling proposals include:

  • APFA is not interested in the five (5) reserve transition days as proposed by the company. There is a need for a solution to provide relief to our members for the month-to-month transition, but their proposal is not it. We envision an incentivized, voluntary program.
  • APFA is not interested in the Company’s proposal to mix narrowbody and widebody aircraft within the same sequence.
  • APFA is not interested in the company’s proposal that addresses situations where a Flight Attendant loses their entire month of flying (or balance of their month) limiting protection to 71 hours with an obligation. Any hours lost over 71 have no protection. APFA is interested in full pay protection for any and all sequences lost in these situations.
  • APFA is not interested in the company’s proposed rescheduling language to allow them to utilize lineholders first for irregular operations as they deem necessary, to conserve their reserve pool. This directly conflicts with the current language (10.J.1.a) that states: “These provisions are not intended to be utilized in such a manner to effectively require a Lineholder to serve as a Reserve”.
  • APFA is not interested in adding new rescheduling language which would allow crew scheduling to declare an irregular staffing operation and use a deadheading crew and reschedule lineholders before using a reserve.
  • APFA is not interested in amending the “illegal through no fault” language, expanding the company’s opportunity to split a Flight Attendant back onto their sequence when they are illegal through no fault.
  • The Company rejected APFA’s proposal for an 8th layer in PBS.
  • The Company rejected APFA’s proposal for 13 days off for reserves in a 31-day month.
  • The Company rejected APFA’s proposal to limit flying into a flex day pattern (FD) one (1) time per month.
  • The Company rejected APFA’s proposal to reduce the TTS scheduling limitation to 30 hours (down from 40).
  • The Company rejected APFA’s proposal of adding a staffing chart into the JCBA.

APFA is continuing to hold firm on the following proposals:

  • PBS improvements (e.g. speaker sorting function, 8th layer, additional properties).
  • 13 days off in a 31-day reserve month, 12 days off in a 30-day reserve month.
  • Improved drop/pick up/trade flexibility options in TTS/UBL.
  • Reducing the 40-hour scheduling threshold to 30 hours for the use of TTS/UBL or ETB.
  • Adding TTS/UBL for reserves on days off and when released into golden days or for the remainder of the month.
  • Adding an out-of-base UBL pick-up option only after everyone at the base can pick up the trip.
  • Adding a short call UBL option for lineholders (similar to ‘last minute callout’ (LMCO) for reserves).
  • Adding a penalty pay in JCBA subsection 10.J.7 when unable to return to crew base within the original footprint after a reschedule/modification.
  • Amending the language and proration chart in 10.D.16 for days off on reserve when bidding for less than a full month.
  • Limiting involuntary assignments into flex days.

Section 12- Reserve Duty

APFA opened Section 12 Reserve during this last session, however, we did not yet pass language for subsection 12.A (Reserve Lines/Rotation), 12.M (Priority of Assignment), and 12.Q (Month to Month Integration).

We want to take a moment to discuss reserve rotation as it is a hot topic. You may remember that we surveyed several times on this topic. We will not be proposing a completely straight reserve system (without rotation), or an ‘A-Day’ type system. While both options were discussed extensively, neither program had sufficient membership interest. What is clear is the membership’s desire to lower the seniority of those that are subject to reserve rotation, and to improve the quality of life for those subject to reserve.

Improvements to the current reserve guarantee and the introduction of a reserve override will be proposed when Section 3 (Compensation) is opened.

Highlights of APFA’s initial reserve proposal include:

  • The ability to use TTS/UBL on Flex Days (FDs) and Golden Days (GDs).
  • When flown into a FD/GD in actual operations, Flight Attendant may elect to have any pay hours be paid and credited (currently, it is pay only and not credited).
  • When restoring a FD due to assignment or FD/GD in actual operations, the day off will be the Flight Attendant’s choice, with specific holiday exceptions.
  • The ability for Flight Attendants to volunteer to extend their standby shift for additional pay and credit.
  • Sequences assigned during standby must depart no later than the standby scheduled release time.
  • Reduce the number of RAPs from four (current) to three.
  • The ability to be released from standby or reserve duty (with crew schedule consent) with no loss of pay.
  • Bidding specific standby shifts with set start times, duration, and location.
  • Reordering of ROTD reserve assignments so all available reserves are used prior to assigning into a FD.
  • Increase aggressive max to 60 hours.
  • ASG indicators (clicks) for all sequences flown (both awarded and assigned).
  • ASG indicators to follow actual trip length and month.

For those that have not had an opportunity to visit the Negotiations page on the APFA website, we are dedicated to transparency during this negotiation process. When reviewing the Negotiations Status updates to the individual sections, please keep in mind these are updates to ongoing negotiations. It is common to have numerous proposals passed between the parties in the same section over several months. Because of this, you may see much back and forth between the parties, as well as either or both parties holding firm in their respective positions.

Although the company may have rejected a proposed item from APFA, it does not mean that the item is no longer in discussion as it may be reworded and/or presented again with reviewed changes. When reading these highlights from ongoing negotiations, it is important to remember Section 6 Negotiations allow both parties (APFA and company) to seek changes to the existing collective bargaining agreement.

Next Meeting/ Stay Up-to-Date

Our next scheduled meeting with the Company is on November 17th and 18th. Please keep up to date with the status of our Negotiations by visiting the Negotiations Status page on the APFA website. This page will be updated after each session with management.

Reminder: Systemwide Informational Picketing

Click here to join the Contract ACTION Team

In Solidarity,

Your APFA Negotiating Committee

Reese Cole
Kelly J. Hagan
Julie Hedrick
Timothy Legeros
Brian Morgan
Wendy Oswald
Susan Wroble
Joe Burns, Lead Negotiating Attorney

[email protected]

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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