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1.11.23 – APFA LGA Base Brief – First Day- EWR Terminal A

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

First Day- EWR Terminal A

Tomorrow, Thursday, January 12, 2023, after weeks of delays and a much-anticipated move, we finally begin operating out of the newly built terminal A at Newark Liberty Int’l Airport.

While I would have preferred a more organized and timed announcement, the issues that needed attention after my visit to the terminal were safety, contractual language, and comfort related. Working with local management, we feel that the concerns brought forward have been addressed, and with your feedback after the opening, we will ensure that the same goes for whatever needs we have.

Earlier this evening, the Sr. Base Manager sent a CCI with all the necessary information for flight attendants to transition smoothly. While social media has become the most preferred communication method, please read your CCI message for terminal A details. Everything from KCM, security checkpoint, employee bus pick-up, drop-off points, and other essential information is covered. I encourage you to read it and depend on it for answers.

Peer support is vital in all aspects of our job, so I have asked LGA Base Council Representative Beth Cronin to be available tomorrow at EWR, in person and via text and email, to assist with the transition. Beth will be our primary point of contact on day one and help you find your way and any other difficulties you may encounter. Management will have managers and staff also available, and we plan on working with them to assist you better.

Beth Cronin
(585) 490-8996

[email protected].

Please identify yourself by name and employee number. I have asked Beth not to share any information that is security related. You must use Comply365 to have an access code and security data related to the terminal and our designated access points. If you are on reserve, please familiarize yourself with this information, so you have it ready upon arrival at the airport.

While you will be the judge of this, our share of the real estate in the new terminal is tight, but it does meet our basic needs with a much-needed improvement overall from where we have been for decades. Like JFK and LGA, we share the space with the pilots. I have contacted the local APA Chair and Vice Chair Officers to ensure we continue building on a stronger labor front with the pilots. I will share more on that in future base briefs.

I must remind you of the importance of being mindful of social media and management’s social media policy concerning posting PINs/door codes, access points, and any information that could compromise our safety and security in the new terminal. While it is tempting, piggybacking is not allowed even for me as often as I go to the airport. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot access the secured side, please have the MOD contact information for any of our airports handy.

Lastly, Penelope and I do not check or use Facebook messenger or any other social media private messaging for union business. As you check out the new area over the next few weeks and months, please report any feedback or issues directly to us via email: [email protected] or [email protected].

I look forward to this being the beginning of growth and more opportunities for our base and American’s presence in New York.

In Solidarity,

Christian M. Santana
APFA LGA Base President 
[email protected]

Penelope King
APFA LGA Base Vice President

[email protected]

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