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4.28.23 – APFA PHX Base Brief – April 18th PHX Town Hall Recap

Friday, April 28, 2023

April 18th PHX Town Hall Recap

We want to take this opportunity to thank the PHX Base Flight Attendants that took the time to come to the Town Hall in person on April 18 and those that dialed in to listen while on layovers, sit time, at doctor’s appointments, sitting airport standby, or on a RAP. The turnout was what we hoped for, and you did not disappoint.

As for the company’s decision not to post the Town Hall, to say we are disappointed is an understatement. The company can ignore and censor the Town Hall’s content but certainly cannot ignore the emotion PHX brought to the meeting. For any that listened in or were there, most of us saw a passionate group of individuals that have felt overlooked, underappreciated, and mostly ignored the last three to four years. The whole purpose of this gathering was to let our management and planning team see the effects of high reserve numbers. On the 3rd of the month, we ask for a lower reserve percentage and more lineholders. Every month it falls on deaf ears. We thought it if they heard from all of you, the front-line Flight Attendants that continue to fly through irregular operations, passenger misconduct including verbal and physical assaults, and the lack of flexibility that your years of service should afford you, that maybe they would listen to your concerns. For the most part, it seemed they were listening. Did a few of us express our frustrations in a more vocal manner than the company is accustomed to hearing? Not really, especially if they watched our Town Hall with Doug Parker in 2019 or were at the Town Hall with Jill Surdek in February 2020.

While we can’t dictate the company’s narrative, we can speak the truth and be transparent about what did occur at the Town Hall. Did a few Flight Attendants challenge what management was saying? Yes, some with more vigor than others. We acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their perception of the conversation. We hope management will consider that we also have a perception. Even though we are confident no one intended this, we have heard the adjectives disrespectful, condescending, and rude when describing both sides of the conversation.

What we wanted the company to take away from this conversation is we have worked for many years and deserve to work the schedule and hours that we choose to set for ourselves. We earned this right by showing up over the years through bankruptcies, 9/11, the economic downfall of 2008, COVID, and displacements. When we accepted the Flight Attendant position, flexibility was the perk high on most of our benefits lists. Flexibility was a benefit that was supposed to increase over time with our seniority. Now that we have been here 20, 30, and 40 years, promised flexibility has been pulled out from under us like a cheap rug.

Thank you to all PHX Flight Attendants for always showing up and giving your best service to our customers. We will always be proud of you and always have your back.

In Solidarity,

Robin Agee
APFA PHX Base President

[email protected]

Secorra Flowers
APFA PHX Base Vice President

[email protected]

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Euless, Texas 76040

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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