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About APFA

APFA negotiates wages and working conditions for all US-based Flight Attendants at American. APFA is a democratic organization, defined by a Constitution, which is operated by and for its Members.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants is the certified collective bargaining representative for the American Airlines Flight Attendants.

It is through the APFA that we are able to negotiate fair contracts, promote our interests in Washington, D.C., guarantee our rights, and settle disputes with the Company judiciously.

Membership in the Union enables each American Airlines Flight Attendant to multiply the power that he or she would have alone. Our strength is in our numbers, our organization, and our unity. So, please wear your Union pin with pride and participate in your organization — the Association of Professional Flight Attendants!

APFA Organization Structure

APFA is represented by four National Officers, 11 Base Presidents and Vice Presidents, a Board of Directors, and an Executive Committee.

The union also includes six National Department Chairs, five Ad Hoc representatives, and seven Regional Representatives.

Left to Right: Erik Harris (Nat’l Treasurer), Julie Hedrick (Nat’l President), Larry Salas (Nat’l Vice President), Josh Black (Nat’l Secretary)

APFA's Actions & Accomplishments

COVID-19 Related Protections and Provisions

Payroll Support Program

  • APFA, in collaboration with other labor Unions, aggressively pursues additional support from Congress via the Payroll Support Program (PSP) within the CARES Act. Read the letter from President Hedrick to Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer.
  • APFA Leadership, APFA Government Affairs, and Congressman Peter DeFazio continue to push for Payroll Support Program to keep our Flight Attendants connected to pay and healthcare.
  • APFA and other Unions continue to rally; hold #ReliefNow events organized with AFA-CWA, TWU, and IAM; and advocate for continued extensions of the PSP.
  • APFA organizes and continues Weeks of Action to push for a Payroll Support Program extension to bring our furloughed colleagues back to active status as quickly as possible.
  • APFA co-hosts a Q&A session with Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to discuss a Payroll Support Program extension, aviation security, and other issues affecting aviation's frontline essential workers.
  • APFA celebrates the extension of the Payroll Support Program

PPE / COVID-19 Safety Protocol

  • APFA collaborated with other Flight Attendant Unions across the industry to lobby for the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 (CARES Act).
  • APFA continues to push for passage of the HEROES Act and advocates for a uniform federal mandate for aviation safety standards.
  • APFA consistently advocated for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all our Flight Attendants to be available on every aircraft, for social distancing between passengers and crew jump seats, and for thermal scanning in the airports.
  • President Biden enacts a federal mask mandate on board aircrafts followed by ongoing extensions to the mandate though the beginning of 2022. APFA applauds the mandate.
  • APFA Secures Letter of Agreement to compensate for Pre-Departure COVID Testing.
  • APFA Leadership pushes back on the return of onboard service to retain limited customer touchpoints as the pandemic continues. APFA is also successful in keeping alcohol out of the main cabin to curb the surge of Flight Attendant assaults.
  • APFA continues the push to make the COVID-19 vaccine available to Flight Attendants in the highest category possible.

COVID-19 Scheduling & Pay Protections

  • APFA negotiates one of many Letters of Agreement (LOA) with American Airlines to provide pay protection to those Flight Attendants who lost flying due to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and continues to negotiate pay protections each month to protect time lost because of the worsening COVID-19 pandemic.
  • APFA negotiates a ‘No-Schedule’ Lineholder option to allow Flight Attendants to have a zero-line due to the 80% reduction in flying activity for the May 2020 bid month caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Involuntary Furloughs

  • APFA, AFA-CWA, and TWU 556 Flight Attendant Unions send a letter to aviation leaders uniting against any concessions for our Members.
  • American Airlines Sends Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) Notifications indicating Flight Attendant furloughs possible and eventually announces a furlough of 8,099 Flight Attendants. APFA continues to advocate for an extension of the Payroll Support Program.
  • APFA negotiates Short-Term Leaves of Absence with pay and benefits, Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP), and paid Extended Voluntary Leaves of Absence (EVLOA) to reduce involuntary furloughs.
  • APFA opens an Unemployment Resource Page and hosts Town Halls to assist Flight Attendants with the complex process of filing unemployment and challenging denials.
  • Congress passes an emergency relief package that will return the jobs of tens of thousands of furloughed aviation workers. This was a Union-led effort (APFA, AFA-CWA, TWU, APA, ALPA, CAPA, IAM, IBT, SWAPA) to preserve our jobs and our healthcare through March 31st, 2021.
  • Beginning with the October 2020 bid month, the Company announced reduced staffing on international wide-body and transcontinental flights to FAA minimums, plus one additional Flight Attendant. APFA disagrees with any reduction in staffing, files a Presidential Grievance, and continues to challenge changes.
  • APFA successfully negotiates the delay in closing the Raleigh/ Durham and St. Louis Flight Attendant bases from November 2020 to February 2021 to avoid further holiday disruptions for Flight Attendants based at those locations.
  • APFA has secured pay protection for partial and full sequence 737 MAX cancellations.
  • APFA conducts virtual Town Halls on issues including Involuntary Furloughs, Displacements, Unemployment, Reserve Survival, Retirement, Leaves of Absence, Early Out Programs, PBS Bidding, Involuntary Furlough Returns, Negotiations, and Base Closures.
  • APFA pushes to include aviation workers in the Illinois Sick Leave Act.
  • APFA files a Presidential Grievance in July 2021 against American Airlines to address the never-ending violations to JCBA Section 6 (Crew Accommodations).
  • APFA addresses the violence in Washington, D.C., which threatened Flight Attendants' safety and other passengers on flights into and out of our Nation's Capital. APFA announces plans to protect Flight Attendants.
  • APFA stands against racial injustice and announces the first-ever APFA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. In September APFA selected Committee Chairs continuing our commitment to support equality and racial diversity both in our workplace and communities.
  • APFA pushes to combat the unprecedented rise in Flight Attendant assaults and disruptions across the industry.
  • APFA continues to support the fight against Human Trafficking.
  • APFA attends DFW Airport Infrastructure meeting with Department of Transportation Secretary Buttigieg and Texas Congressional Leadership to discuss Flight Attendant issues.
  • In August 2021, APFA Flight Attendants participate in evacuation flying as the U.S. Department of Defense notifies American Airlines that they have activated Stage 1 of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF).
  • APFA Leadership passes seven resolutions at the 2021 Annual Convention to ensure APFA’s financial health and achieve full transparency. Read the APFA Treasurer’s Department update on the Union’s financial status and financial recovery to the membership.
  • This year APFA honors the 20th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks and plants a 9/11 Survivor Tree Seedling at APFA Headquarters. The tree serves as a permanent remembrance of those lost during the attacks on 9/11 and to tell a continuing story of survival, resilience, and hope.

COVID-19 Related Protections and Provisions

Dues & Membership

Each Member of the APFA is required to pay monthly dues of $41. The most efficient way to handle your dues obligation is to have them deducted from your paycheck — $20.50 per paycheck. This is called “dues check-off.” As is standard for most labor organization, APFA also has an initiation fee of $50. This fee is assessed in two parts, half with your first check-off deduction and half one year later. If you do not see the deduction from your first paycheck, APFA will send an invoice to your home address.

In order to have the rights of APFA Membership - including access to the “Members-only” section of the APFA website, attending union meetings, running for union office and voting in union elections on labor contracts (collective bargaining agreements) with our employer and on other ballot initiatives - you must be a “member in good standing,” that is, not more than 60 days in dues arrears. Visit the Dues Information page for more information.

You can email the Membership Department at [email protected] or call (817) 540-0108, ext. 8153 if you have any questions about your membership.

For dues questions or assistance you can email the Dues department at [email protected].


Stay Informed

Our Website

The APFA Website is an invaluable resource for our Members. To view Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meeting Minutes you will need an account. To set up your website account, click My Account and follow the prompts.


The APFA Hotline keeps members up to date on important issues and late-breaking news affecting your work life.

APFA Social Media

Facebook - APFAUnity
Twitter - @APFAUnity
Instagram - @APFAUnity
YouTube - AAflightattendants

On the Job Resources

Your Union Contract

It is important that you become familiar with your contract. In time, such things as your right to bid for your monthly schedule, vacation and sick accrual and usage, and transfer rights will become more understandable.

APFA has a Contract Chair to oversee the administration of the Contract as well as a Scheduling Chair to ensure our scheduling provisions are adhered to. In addition to Contract and Scheduling Chairs, APFA has Scheduling and Contract Representatives on Duty to help you understand your schedule, work rules, and flying legalities. They are line flying Flight Attendants that can also assist with matters related to contractual issues as well as various company policies.

The current Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) between the APFA and American Airlines describes your on-the-job rights.

Hotel & Transportation

The Company (AA) contracts over 195,000 rooms per month in 185 cities around the world. These hotels are selected by the Company with recommendations and approvals from the APFA Hotel Chair and the APFA Hotel Department.

At times, our members may encounter problems with hotel accommodations or layover transportation and should report the problem to American Airlines via the Flight Attendant Report Form. Flight Attendants should also complete APFA’s Hotel and Transportation Feedback Form.

Visit the Hotel page for information on our hotels, amenities, temporary relocation notices and more information concerning the layover hotels.

Hotel Safety Tips


Familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest fire exit stairway. Report any signs of smoke or fire to the Front Desk or Hotel Operator immediately and then proceed to the nearest exit, avoiding the elevators.

Double Locks and Chains

For added security, use the double lock on your door. As an additional precaution, secure the safety chain/bar lock and don’t admit anyone to into your room without first identifying the person. If there is any doubt, contact the Front Desk.


Safeguard your key and room number. Don’t give your room number to other crewmembers in a location where others could overhear you. When writing other room numbers on your key packet don’t use first names, just initials. Be careful not to leave it in the door.

Safety & Security

The Safety & Security Department handles a variety of situations including Flight Attendant training, emergency and medical equipment and procedures, reporting, cabin air quality concerns, and passenger misconduct / disturbance events. The department also acts as a conduit hub by sharing information from the company with the appropriate union leadership and departments.

Contact the Safety & Security Department regarding:
– CERS Notifications
– Cabin ASAP
– Safety Management Systems
– CQ (all safety / security aspects)
– SET (Skills Enhancement Training)
– Medical and Emergency Procedures & Equipment
– F/A In-Flight Manual
– ISD – Inadvertent Slide Deployments
– OFAR / MDCR Concerns / Issues
– Cabin Odor / SOF Events (notifications and equipment related)
– Passenger Disturbance / Misconduct

Additional Resources

Pay Scale

View the current pay scale
based on seniority level

Contact Us

Need help or have a question about scheduling or the contact?
Contact an APFA Rep

Base Information

Base Representative information, Base Briefs, and other base-specific resources


Learn about what you will need for retirement, how to get started, and more information about your 401k


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) enhances the health, welfare and safety of its Union’s members by providing quality peer support services

Professional Standards

Professional Standards supports and enhances the standing of the Flight Attendant profession; and promotes professionalism and restore professional conduct


Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP) is a substance-abuse prevention program, created and promoted for and by the flight attendant profession and funded by the FAA.

Health & IOD

The Health Department can assist you in dealing with health issues. Injury on Duty (IOD) is available to assist you in the event you suffer an injury or illness on the job or one that arises out of the course of employment

Cabin ASAP

Cabin Aviation Safety Action Program (Cabin ASAP) is designed for Flight Attendants to report and the Company to identify and correct specific problems related to safety at American Airlines (AA)

Tricks of the Trade

You may be assigned up to 90 hours which will be reflected in your RSVCOT on your HI1. All paid and credited hours will show in your PPROJ. ETB hours are reflected as PNC. RSVCOT excludes time picked up through aggressive ROTD awards once your RSVCOT reaches 40 hours. Once you show 85:01 in your RSVCOT, you will be able to “call out of time” and be released from any remaining available days in the month. ROTA will allow you a one-time opportunity to bid for and be awarded hours above 90 hours in your RSVCOT, however, crew schedule may not assign you any hours above 90.

You may pick up, drop, and/or trade trips in several ways:

Directly with another Flight Attendant via the Electronic Trade Board (ETB). Reserves may only pickup trips over vacation days or on days off. ETB transactions are processed on a first come first served basis.

Lineholders may utilize TTS/UBL to drop, pick-up or trade with open time or other flight attendants. TTS/UBL transactions are processed with seniority considered. Reserves may bid in ROTA/D for trips open and available from crew schedule (Open Time). ROTA/D bids are awarded based on legalities, availability, and seniority.

You will be eligible for straight reserve the first 12 months after initial training. This begins with your first full month of flying. Once you complete your first full year of reserve eligibility, you will be reserve eligible for 1 month on/1 month off for a period of 3 years. If needed as a reserve following the first 4 years after initial training, you will be reserve eligible for 1 month on/ 3 months off.

You can find past month’s schedules by visiting on Jetnet.

In Crew Portal
To view your current month’s schedule: My Schedule
To view your previous month’s schedule (prior to “closeout”, the 10th of the current month): My Schedule (left arrow)
To view your next month’s schedule (after “base expansion”, 20th of the current month): My Schedule (right arrow)
To view your bid award: Monthly Bids > PBS
To view your current sequence: My Schedule > Sequence
To view your next sequence: My Schedule > Sequence
To view your last sequence: My Schedule > Sequence

To view your current month’s schedule: HI1
To view your previous month’s schedule (prior to “closeout”, the 10th of the current month): HI2
To view your next month’s schedule (after “base expansion”, 20th of the current month): HI2
To view your bid award: N/A
To view your current sequence: HI3
To view your next sequence: HI5
To view your last sequence: HI4

For more helpful entries, refer to the APFA website, the document library in Comly365 on your Flight Attendant Tablet, as well as the Crew Change Section on JetNet.

There are two places to view your hours- Your HI1 (current month) or HI2 (previous or future month) schedule in DECS or Crew Portal: (1) If you are a lineholder, the PPROJ reflects your paid hours; (2) If you are on reserve, you will be paid the greater of your PPROJ, your GUAR (Guarantee): ORIG (Original) or ADJ (Adjusted) plus any hours in your PNC (Pay No Credit).

You are paid semimonthly on the 15th and the 30th of each month. If the 30th falls on a weekend or holiday, your pay will be the day prior. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, your pay will be on the following business day.

You will be paid 37.5 hours (half of Reserve Guarantee) on the 30th of every month as an advance of what you are projected to fly next month. Any paid hours above your 37.5 advance including premiums, training, and Per Diem/Time Away from Base (TAFB) are included on your 15th paycheck.

You are welcome to seek both APFA elected and appointed union positions in accordance with the APFA Constitution and Policy Manual. The Contract and Scheduling departments offer volunteer contract training classes every other month. This is a great way to start a career with APFA or to get a better understanding of our contract.

As a probationary Flight Attendant, you are entitled to the protections of our contract including filing notices of dispute (NODs) for scheduling and contractual violations, pay claims, and union representation during meetings with management. Additionally, your membership provides assistance from all APFA Departments including Health, Hotel, Safety, Scheduling, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Critical Incident Stress Debriefs (CISD), Government Affairs, Retirement, Professional Standards, etc. The only service APFA is limited in offering to probationary Flight Attendants is the grievance process in the event of furlough or termination. Be sure to read Sections 31 & 33 of the JCBA.

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Currently, no scheduled events...

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